

This was published 9 years ago

Things to do in Seville, Spain: One day, three ways

Seville can be a delight no matter what sort of budget you are travelling on.

By David Whitley
Tasty tapas: A visit to Seville's small plate joints is an odyssey of discovery.

Tasty tapas: A visit to Seville's small plate joints is an odyssey of discovery. Credit: iStock

Penny pinch

Grab a chocolate-filled pastry at Horno de San Buenaventura (; $2) before walking over to the humungous main university building (Universidad de Sevilla, It's a former tobacco factory that features in Bizet's Carmen and free tours at 11am are story-packed. A $13 grilled tuna lunch at fabulously old-fashioned Las Teresas on Calle Santa Teresa is a great introduction to the atmospheric old Jewish quarter – Barrio de Santa Cruz. Get lost among the cobbled streets and orange tree-filled squares before heading south to the meticulously landscaped gardens and photogenic, pompous monuments in the Parque de María Luisa. Buzzy, contemporary tapas bar Eslava ( is the spot for dinner, costing around $17 for four choices – one of which should be the honey-glazed ribs. Bed down in the nearby Hotel America (hotelamericasevilla; from $76), a solidly comfortable three star close to both the nightlife and shopping areas.

TOTAL: $108

Easy does it

Eggs any style with bacon and cheese at La Azotea Mateos Gago (; $13) should fuel a two-wheeled ride around harder-to-reach areas of the city – Centerbici ( does day-long bike rentals for $18. Check out the ceramic factories in Triana before heading back to the centre. Taste tapas at family-owned Bodeguita Romero (; $19) – the "pringa" pork sandwich is sensational – then pedal to the Cathedral (; $12). It's a giant, Gothic monster, and the hugely decorated organ and Christopher Columbus' OTT tomb are the star attractions. Enjoy dinner on the terrace at Vinería San Telmo (; $29) then watch authentic flamenco performance in an evocatively intimate venue – Casa de la Memoria (; $26). Stay at the Hospes Las Casas Del Rey De Baeza (; from $196), a tranquil spot that wraps gorgeously around peaceful courtyards.

Total: $313

Splash out

Kick off at the newest Game Of Thrones filming location – Seville's extraordinary Alcazar (; $14). A network of sumptuously decorated palaces and fountain-filled gardens, it shows off just how rich Seville got when the city had monopolistic control over Spain's trade with the Americas. Enjoy a Michelin-starred degustation lunch at Abantal (; $80) before clip-clopping through the Barrio de Santa Cruz for an hour on a horse and cart ($66). They can be found outside the Cathedral. Finish the afternoon by relaxing with thermal pools, aromatherapy and an hour's massage at the restored Arab Baths (; $125). Dinner is an odyssey of discovery, hopping between some of the lesser known, but supremely high quality, small plates joints with Azahar Sevilla's tapas tour (; from $87). Sleep at the ridiculously OTT, palace-like Alfonso XII (; from $440, including a lavish breakfast).

Total: $812

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