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Going solo: Seven golden rules for female travellers

By Ute Junker
This article is part of Traveller’s Holiday Guide to solo travel.See all stories.
Travelling by yourself is easy if you follow a few simple guidelines.

Travelling by yourself is easy if you follow a few simple guidelines.Credit: iStock

Few things are as freeing as travelling by yourself. You get to do exactly what you want, when you want, immersing yourself more deeply in your destination than you ever would when travelling with friends. Make the most of your solo adventure by following these tried-and-tested rules for the road.

Choose the right destination

There is no doubt about it. Some countries – think India and Morocco, for instance – are notoriously challenging for female travellers. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go, but it does mean it’s not the best choice for inexperienced solo travellers. Instead, choose a destination with a high comfort factor: perhaps somewhere you’ve been before, or somewhere where you speak the language. Avoid anywhere with a reputation as a honeymoon hotspot, such as Tahiti and the Maldives. When everyone else is travelling in twosomes, it can feel awfully lonely.

Pack smart

Packing smart is not just about what you pack – although that does matter – but also about how much you pack. Especially if you are visiting multiple destinations, don’t weigh yourself down with too much luggage. Nothing tarnishes the glow of arriving in a new place faster than having to wrestle with a heavy suitcase. Top tip: limit yourself to two pairs of shoes (three if you absolutely must) and build your outfits around them. In more conservative countries, covering up is a no-brainer; go a step further and where you can, choose clothing that will let you blend in. You know what the tourists that get hassled by touts and targeted by pickpockets have in common? They are the ones that look like tourists.

Plan ahead

The only thing worse than looking like a tourist is looking like a lost tourist. Just about the worst thing you can do when you arrive in a new destination is to wander the streets dragging your suitcase trying to work out exactly where your hotel is. So get organised. Book your hotel in advance and ask for detailed directions on how to get there. Know before you land whether cab drivers use a meter or whether you agree to a price up front. If you are relying on your phone for maps and other essential functions, carry a fully-charged power bank with you at all times. And if your trip involves a fair bit of travel, arrive at least half an hour early for every train, plane or boat ride to give yourself a buffer.

Learn your lines

Every traveller should take the time to learn a few basic sentences in the local language but for women travelling in less-developed countries, there are some other sentences it’s smart to keep handy. Merchants often see solo women as soft touches and it can be hard to fend them off. A line like, “Sorry but I can’t buy anything when my husband’s not with me” may offend your feminist sensibilities but it will get most touts off your back.


Become an early bird

Even if you are a night owl, staying out late every night by yourself in a strange city isn’t a great idea. Instead, try getting up early and making the most of the daylight hours. You can explore a neighbourhood in the early hours of the morning, have some breakfast and by the time you are done, most of the attractions will be opening. At the end of the day enjoy an evening drink before dinner, send some emails or do a little reading after, and it’s time for bed.

Don’t be shy

One of the things that surprises women travelling alone for the first time is how easy it is to meet new people. Whether it’s the person standing in front of you in the line for the museum or the person sitting at the next table in the cafe, a simple question is often enough to get a conversation going. Sometimes that is the extent of the interaction; alternatively, you might end up staying in touch for years. Don’t be afraid to take that first step.

Call out bad behaviour

As a woman travelling by yourself, at some stage you are likely to encounter some unwanted attention. If someone is pressing against you in a subway or otherwise hassling you, in most cases the best thing you can do is call it out. It depends on the exact circumstances, so use your judgment on this one, but in most instances a loud and firm “Stop touching me!” will attract the attention of passersby and convince the offender to make a quick exit.

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