

This was published 4 years ago

Flight of Fancy podcast: Best things to see and do in Queensland (once the borders open)

By Ben Groundwater
Famous for its stunning white sand beaches, the Whitsunday Islands, Queensland, Australia.

Famous for its stunning white sand beaches, the Whitsunday Islands, Queensland, Australia.Credit: iStock

Beautiful one day, perfect the next. That might just be Australia's most successful tourism slogan, a string of six words that was coined all the way back in 1998, and which is still instantly recognisable to anyone with an interest in travel today.

Beautiful one day, perfect the next. We're talking, of course, about Queensland, the Sunshine State, the occasionally maligned, sometimes laughed at and yet perennially popular area in Australia's north-east.

This is the home of the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree, the place of coasts both Gold and Sunshine, the home of King Wally and Big Mal, the place to visit the Big Pineapple and the Big Mango, among so many other outsized and wonderful attractions.


On this episode of Flight of Fancy, the podcast, I'm joined by fellow travel writer Sheriden Rhodes and Queensland-based tour guide Juan Walker to check out the Sunshine State from top to bottom, from coast to border, from Cape York to the Scenic Rim and beyond. What is there to do in Queensland, what is there to see? When should you go there? And why is it completely normal to go to a pub and order a pot of gold?

A new episode of Flight of Fancy is released every fortnight, so don't miss out. Subscribe to Flight of Fancy on iTunes, Spotify or your favourite podcasting app and join the Flight of Fancy Facebook group.

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