

This was published 2 years ago

Why timing is everything for actor Kyle Brown’s diet

By Nicole Economos
This story is part of the August 28 edition of Sunday Life.See all 15 stories.

Actor Kyle Brown, 34, shares his day on a plate.

9am A glass of water after brushing my teeth. I bargain with myself about doing some exercise.

10.45am After a quick workout I have a vegan protein shake. I’m not vegan, I just don’t vibe with lactose.

11am A handful of smoked, salted almonds followed by a flat white with oat milk and two boiled eggs.

12.15pm Mr Pringles is staring at me, so I pop the lid and munch on a few chips as well as some roasted, salted cashews.

3.30pm A Thai chicken curry with jasmine rice. I snack on an apple about an hour later.

7pm A granola bar, two mandarins and water before going on stage.

11pm More cashews and almonds.


Dr Joanna McMillan says:

Top marks for … Timing your main meal for mid-afternoon so that you then have only a snack before performing on stage. Your snacks of eggs, fruit and nuts are all nutrient-dense choices.

If you keep eating like this you’ll … Risk your blood pressure rising over the years. The chips, nuts and curry are all high in salt, while your very low intake of vegies means you fall short on potassium. To control blood pressure you want less sodium and more potassium.

Why don’t you try … Snacking on unsalted nuts, adding a salad that includes beans or chickpeas to your eggs, adding stir-fried vegetables to your curry, and swapping the potato chips for wholegrain crackers with hummus or avocado.

Kyle Brown stars in Come from Away, on now at Melbourne’s Comedy Theatre, and at Sydney’s Theatre Royal from November 5.

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