

Why you should care about how many trans fats you’re unknowingly eating (and how to minimise them)

Do you know which supermarket foods contain trans fats, and what harm they may be causing your body?

Susie Burrell
Susie Burrell

There’s a good chance you’ve heard that discretionary or “junk” foods such as fast and fried takeaway, cakes, biscuits, pastry and confectionery are not the healthiest of foods, and that many of us eat way too much of them.

Not only are these foods calorie-dense, they’re also filled with refined carbohydrates, sugar and processed fats, and usually have a high salt content, which makes them “ultra-processed” and associated with an increased risk of developing a number of lifestyle diseases.

What you may not be aware of is that these foods may also be adding industrially produced trans fat into your diet, a type of fat that is extremely damaging to the body and, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), needs to be eliminated from the food supply.

Some manufacturers of potato chips in Australia have acted to remove trans-fat from their products.
Some manufacturers of potato chips in Australia have acted to remove trans-fat from their products.iStock

What is trans fat?


Trans fat is a type of fat that is naturally found in small amounts in animal foods including milk and meat. Trans fats can also be formed as a result of food processing techniques that are used to convert liquid forms of fat into solids, as occurs when vegetable oil is turned into margarine via a chemical process known as hydrogenation. This process alters the chemical structure of the fat, forming industrially produced trans fat.

Why are trans fats so bad for us?

The biggest issue with this processed form of trans fat is the direct effect its consumption has on the cardiovascular system and inflammatory pathways in the body, directly increasing LDL or bad cholesterol and reducing protective HDL cholesterol. WHO estimates that diets high in trans fats consumed via processed foods increase the risk of developing heart disease by as much as 21 per cent. And the more processed trans fat you consume, the higher the risk of developing heart disease. This is why WHO recommends consumption of these damaging fats be limited to just 1 per cent or less of overall dietary intake, or no more than 2.2g per day in total.

How much are Australians eating?

The most recent data suggests Australians eat an average of 0.6g of trans fat each day, but the range is wide, with individuals who frequently consume baked and pastry items probably unknowingly consuming much greater amounts.


The big issue

The most significant issue in Australia is that it is currently not mandatory for trans fat to be labelled as an independent component of processed foods, which means many of us do not know we are consuming it.

While some food industry groups, including the main manufacturers of margarine and potato chips in Australia, have made a concerted effort to eliminate industrially produced trans fat from their products, a number of foods may still contain high levels, and consumers have no way of knowing how much is in common supermarket foods.

Microwave popcorn with flavouring is one of the worst culprits, with movie-style popcorn or flavoured varieties offering more than 1g of trans fat per serve.

Professor Jason Wu from the George Institute says mandatory labelling for trans fats in Australia is long overdue. While labelling is one step in the right direction, a more powerful solution is to ban the use of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (the key ingredient that contains industrial trans fat).

Many other countries including the US have done this already, which means the Australian government is way behind. Such a ban will take the burden away from busy consumers who currently need to decipher tiny nutritional labels and ingredient lists in an attempt to determine whether a food is likely to have these nasty fats as a result of processing.

Skip the frozen apple pie and make your own almond crusted apple pie instead.
Skip the frozen apple pie and make your own almond crusted apple pie instead.Neela Shearer

What foods are most likely to contain trans fat?


Without transparent nutritional labelling, it is difficult to identify exactly which supermarket foods are adding unwanted trans fat into your diet. This means consumers and health professionals need to infer their presence from a product’s baseline ingredients, including “partially hydrogenated fat” and “hydrogenated vegetable oil”, which suggest ingredients that are known sources of industrially produced trans fat. In the case of baked goods, ingredients including vegetable fat, margarine, vegetable cream and shortening may also suggest the presence of trans fat.

Any blended vegetable oils are likely to have some trans fats, as are solid forms of fat such as copha and any pastry-based, mass-produced products. A number of frozen foods including spring rolls and desserts such as apple pie are likely to contain some trans fats, as are commercial cake mixes that include an icing mix in their product. It may also be helpful to know that microwave popcorn with flavouring is one of the worst culprits, with movie-style popcorn or flavoured varieties offering more than 1g of trans fat per serve. Alarmingly, recent Australian data also shows confectionery is the third-most likely food to be adding industrial trans fat into the diets of Australians.

The best advice to minimise your intake of trans fats

While most individuals will eat some trans fat in their diet courtesy of meat and dairy, it is relatively easy to avoid industrially produced trans fats. You simply need to steer clear of commercial pastry-based foods and bulk-produced cakes, doughnuts and pastries. Basically, if you feel like a croissant, make sure it is one from a French patisserie, where its butter base is a much safer option than one with some partially hydrogenated vegetable oil thrown in for ease of production.


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Susie BurrellSusie Burrell is an accredited practising dietitian and nutritionist.

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