

Why you eat like your colleagues

Caitlin Fitzsimmons
Caitlin Fitzsimmons

Wages growth.
Wages growth. Tribune

They say your friends can make you fat, but your colleagues could be the real culprits.

I've long been fascinated by how workplaces, or teams within them, often develop customs and rituals around food and drink. Not just whether you eat hunched over your keyboard or have a long power lunch on Fridays, but what you eat.

The Fairfax bunker is tucked away on the waterfront in Pyrmont, so if anyone is venturing further afield than the cafeteria downstairs, we'll often share the labour. Groups self-organise to buy rounds of salads, or Vietnamese rice paper rolls and banh mi, for example.


When I lived in London in my 20s, I worked at a magazine where you were expected to supply cake on your own birthday to save anyone else the bother of remembering or tracking the date. My tea-drinking colleagues also strictly policed one another to make sure no one ever made just one cup, without first checking who else wanted one.

My other half works at a small tech company brimming with men in their 20s and 30s. They too have fallen into the habit of buying lunch collectively, but lately the food has become heavier. Burgers with dipping sauce, anyone? Even though they work in the city, they occasionally use delivery companies to bring the food into the office.

It makes me wonder what happens at those tech companies that offer free food. It's a tradition imported from Silicon Valley where the businesses are based on huge campuses far from the shops. Google has a chef on site to make lunch for everyone, and I've seen offices with free access to pick-n-mix stations of lollies, and both sparkling water and beer on tap.

Diversity has become a hot topic at Google's Mountain View headquarters in California, and the rest of Silicon Valley.
Diversity has become a hot topic at Google's Mountain View headquarters in California, and the rest of Silicon Valley.Mick Tsikas

Apparently Atlassian's new digs in the Sydney CBD has a fully stocked kitchen, including an ice cream freezer. But Atlassian does not provide coffee, which seems an almost un-Australian oversight, but is actually a deliberate ploy to encourage small groups of employees to go outside into the fresh air together.


One of the most memorable details in the Michael Lewis book Liar's Poker, his semi-autobiographical account of Wall Street in the 1980s, was his description of the "feeding frenzy" – the weekly display of gluttony by a small group of bond traders who'd order huge amounts of takeaway food and compete to eat the most. On one occasion the guys ordered $US400 worth of Mexican food – almost $US1000 in today's dollars – including five-gallon tubs of guacamole.

But workplaces can also reinforce healthy habits. An acquaintance told me recently how everyone at her work has a water bottle and when anyone has a spare moment, they'll refill everyone's water bottle. I've also worked in offices where my female colleagues loved to swap diet tips.

Many people buy lunch to eat at their desk.
Many people buy lunch to eat at their desk.Supplied

Decades of research suggest other people influence our food intake and choices. If we eat with someone who is eating a large amount, we're likely to eat more too. We are also likely to eat more in a large group than when we're alone.

Psychologists explain conforming to a group norm is a rewarding experience and eating with someone else amplifies the pleasure of the experience. We eat like other people because we find it a positive emotional experience and we use norms to inform our own food preferences.


On the other hand, the research suggests we might eat less if we think that will make a more favourable impression. Holding back on the canapes at a work function, perhaps.

It's also well-documented that women tend to eat less in mixed company than in groups of other women.

A team of Dutch researchers from Utrecht University found in 2013 that other people don't even need to be present to influence our eating. For example, the number of chocolates taken by visitors to a work lunchroom was higher when empty chocolate wrappers in a bowl indicated that other people had eaten the chocolates, than when there was no visible evidence of consumption.

I admire people who have the discipline to bring their lunch to work every day – typically a healthier option than takeaway, and cheaper too.

But the brown-bag lunch is no longer the norm. In 2015 McCrindle Research did a study of 540 working Australians – not a huge sample size, but the findings are overwhelming even allowing for the margin of error.


McCrindle found only 6 per cent of working Australians never spend their own money on food and beverages at work – I guess that would include the lucky few provided with free food, but it would mostly be people bringing their lunch from home.

The average Australian employee spends $18.52 on lunches, snacks and beverages every week. This includes those who spend nothing at all right up to those who go out more than once a day and spend more than $100 a week on feeding themselves at work. Over a working year, this adds up to average annual spend of $889.

Almost three out of four people surveyed purchase lunch, morning tea or coffees at work or on their commute at least once a week, and more than one in five spend their own money on consumable food options every single day they're at work.

Men tend to eat out more often than women – 27 per cent buy food or beverages once a day compared with 16 per cent of women. Close to four out of five in Generation X and Y spend money on food and drink at work once a week, but three out of every five working Baby Boomers.

It's a challenge not just for workers but employers and the economy as well. The International Labour Organisation suggests poor eating habits on the job shave 20 per cent off countries' productivity. That includes excess consumption in rich countries and malnutrition in poor ones.


Food for thought.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is the editor of Money and a regular columnist on personal finance and workplace issues. Find her on Facebook and Twitter.

Caitlin FitzsimmonsCaitlin Fitzsimmons is the environment and climate reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald. She was previously the social affairs reporter and the Money editor.

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