Let’s look first at long-term job opportunity. COVID-19 disruption has meant that candidates, especially younger job seekers, are fearful that a “safe” career is no longer guaranteed. Aged care is almost a future-proofed career with continued growth. The royal commission into aged care expects the aged care sector to be one of Australia’s largest employers over the next 20 years. Testament to this, SEEK data from November 2021 reveals that 27 per cent of people would consider a career in aged care because of better job security, and 33 per cent because of abundant employment opportunities.
Additionally, we know that job seekers, especially the under-30s, are increasingly purpose-driven in their career choices. Those seeking a career in aged care can be met by a career path with fulfilment and rewards derived from caring for those who need support. In fact, the November 2021 research showed that more than one in three Australians would consider working in aged care, with the number one reason being it’s a career with meaningful purpose (65 per cent).
Now when you consider aged care, it’s likely that the range of roles available beyond personal carer positions are not immediately apparent. However, there are opportunities for a diverse range of Australian workers to make the switch to aged care and encounter more fulfilling work. These can include chefs, management, administration, accounting, lifestyle co-ordinators, support, facility management and even trades. In particular, skilled retail, administrative, hospitality, and tourism workers have a wide range of opportunities for rewarding work by applying their skills to the sector.
Aged care can also be the perfect next step for individuals in different healthcare sectors to transfer their existing skills into the field. Allied health professionals, such as those in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and rehabilitation, or registered nurses, are great examples of healthcare workers who could tap into the strong demand for aged care professionals. Proof of this is that the average growth in hiring demand in the aged care and disability sectors rose from 24 per cent to 40 per cent in 2020-22, while the pace of job ad growth in the physiotherapy, OT and rehabilitation sector slowed in the same period.
Finally, SEEK’s new Laws of Attraction research highlights the value being placed on work-life balance in the Australian workforce, with those working in healthcare and medical ranking it as their primary driver of what they value most in a role.
With work-life balance comes a desire for additional leave and time-in-lieu as well as flexibility and autonomy. This greater flexibility can often be found in the aged care sector. For example, a key driver for candidates changing from hospitality or retail into an aged care personal caring role is the level of relative autonomy. A home-care personal carer has some independence in the management of their daily workload and their clients.
When considering your next career move, don’t dismiss aged care. If you explore further, it’s likely you will find long-term job opportunity, tangible career growth, community recognition and a deep sense of personal fulfilment.
James Duncan is SEEK National Healthcare Manager.