
MinRes saga exposes ESG’s existential crisis (and here comes Trump)

MinRes saga exposes ESG’s existential crisis (and here comes Trump)

Scandals at Mineral Resources and WiseTech raise hard questions for investors who care about governance and culture. Now Donald Trump’s win raises existential problems for ESG.

When push came to shove at MinRes, it’s clear many investors prize the returns Chris Ellison could deliver over governance concerns. Left to right: MinRes’ chairman James McClements, founder Chris Ellison and L1’s Raphael Lamm. Harry Afentoglou


hen Vas Kolesnikoff began writing his advice to investors on how they should vote at this month’s general meeting for the crisis-torn Mineral Resources, he faced a dilemma.


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Patrick Durkin
Patrick DurkinBOSS Deputy editorPatrick Durkin is Melbourne bureau chief and BOSS deputy editor. He writes on news, business and leadership. Connect with Patrick on Twitter. Email Patrick at

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