The US dollar rallied to a two-decade high last year on the back of the Federal Reserve raising rates at the fastest clip since 1980 to rein in inflation and amid geopolitical uncertainties.
But now the tide is turning with the Fed nearing the end of its rate hike cycle and as US inflationary concerns begin to ease, the dollar has weakened.
The Australian dollar has made a strong start in 2023. iStock
The AUD has also garnered strength from China’s re-opening but amid all the macroeconomic uncertainties, investors should continue to be aware of the impact exchange rate fluctuations can have on their returns.
So, broadly what does the Federal Reserve’s potential slowdown suggest for investors?
It could indicate that the Australian dollar might start to creep up in value further.
While the Australian dollar is already the second-best performing currency in the world so far this year, it could extend its gains as China’s reopening from Covid boosts demand for Aussie exports. On top of this, the prospect of entrenched inflation at home may bolster bets on additional central bank tightening.
A consequently stronger Australian dollar could undo some of the windfall that Australian investors had with long-term stakes in international equities and holding unhedged exposures received last year.
The weaker local currency relative to the USD had been a welcome diversifier. In fact, the weaker AUD has generally had a positive impact on international asset values when translated into Aussie dollar terms.
So, the question for Australian investors is whether it’s time to look at hedging strategies.
iShares lead ETF strategist Tamara Stats says shifts in monetary policy around the world have added additional volatility to foreign-exchange markets, so there is a belief that Australian investors can look to hedging to minimise the impact of currency fluctuations.
“However, as US dollar strength does show signs of abating, we believe hedged share classes in Australia are going to be positioned to potentially outperform their unhedged equivalents,” Stats says.
Yet while hedging might seem a sensible approach as the US dollar weakens, Stats points out, it doesn’t mean investors need to hedge across their whole portfolio.
Tamara Stats, iShares lead ETF strategist BlackRock
“It’s not an either/or decision,” she says.
“While over the last 12 months a weaker Australian dollar has certainly helped insulate investors in Australia against drawdowns in the US equity markets, it’s important to remember that the world is constantly changing.
“Geopolitical tensions, persistent US inflation pressures or a sharp decline in global economic activity could spur investors to start positioning for US dollar strength again.
“For that reason, moving solely into hedged share classes is also not a perfect strategy to mitigate currency fluctuations. Finding the correct portion to hedge is equally as important as whether or not to hedge.”
JBWere’s chief investment officer Sally Auld says hedging strategies are only really recommended to clients with multi-asset portfolios that have an exposure to predominantly US equities.
“Increasingly investors are becoming a little bit savvier around the role that hedging can play in either protecting them from currency appreciation or alternatively opening up some protection by leaving offshore exposures unhedged when risk aversion dominates markets,” Auld says.
“The one free kick you have as an Australian dollar domiciled investor is that typically when global equity markets fall, the currency falls as well.″
“It’s a unique and quite handy cushion to minimising losses on US stock markets in those periods where risk assets are underperforming. That’s an advantage that you don’t get as an investor in most other parts of the world.”
Auld says investors probably want to be making choices around hedging at basically the top and bottom of the medium-term trading range for the Australian dollar.
“Our approach is not to be changing hedging based on short term views of where the currency might go over the next one to six months but to stand back and say the most value we can add to our clients’ portfolios is being able to pick the medium-term trough in the currency and the medium-term peak in the currency,” Auld says.
Looking back over the last 25 to 30 years, Auld says the Australian dollar rarely drops below US60c and rarely goes much higher than 90c.
Bearing this in mind, she says JBWere might start telling clients to hedge 25 per cent of their portfolio at around 67.5c when the Aussies drops below 70c and if it goes to around 65c, hedge another 25 per cent.
“Conversely, as the currency goes up again and heads to 80c and higher, you would look to unwind those hedges,” Auld says.
To learn more about currency risk in portfolios, please click here.