
The Future of Work

March 2022

A selfie of me (left) and Thomas Dexmier, country manager of Vive for HTC

I lost my arm in the metaverse for three days

VR can be an incredibly immersive place to meet with colleagues and share and discuss content – even if your avatar is missing a limb, writes John Davidson.

  • John Davidson

February 2022

Jeremy Pollak of Calven

Canva turns investor in start-up aiming to organise the new work world

It has become accustomed to closing its own mega-funding rounds, now Canva has put some of its cash into a $6.8 million round at Calven, a workplace software platform.

  • Paul Smith

November 2021

Mina Radhakrishnan, CEO and co-founder of :Different, a property management tech start-up.

Shorter weeks and free travel aimed at stopping ‘great resignation’

Australian tech companies are becoming creative in their bid to source and retain talent, as a new report shows one in four Australians plans to soon quit their job.

  • Natasha Gillezeau

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