April 2020
'Why did this happen to me'
Cardinal George Pell has penned an Easter message, asking why there is so much suffering in the world.
Did a judge's shaving routine save George Pell?
Church rituals – and a judge's shaving routine – helped clear George Pell.
The resurrection of George Pell
At the end of a five-year legal saga, George Pell, who had become the face of clerical abuse of children, is a free man.
March 2020
Judges grill prosecutor over Pell conviction
High Court justices have expressed concern over elements of the case against convicted child sex abuser and Catholic Cardinal George Pell.
'Compounding improbabilities' behind Pell's bid for freedom
The High Court hears Cardinal George Pell's application to appeal his conviction for child sex offences.
November 2019
Pell crashes the High Court's website
As confusion reigned on what the referral to the full bench meant, the servers just buckled under the strain of the strong interest in the case.
Better to have seven judges and skip the circus
The High Court has given itself important flexibility with the Pell appeal, referring the case to the full bench.
September 2019
Pell appeals to High Court, claims court reversed onus of proof
Cardinal George Pell's bid to overturn his child sex abuse convictions will centre on a claim that an appeal court wrongly required him to show "the offending was impossible".
The Pell problem: How to deal with his public legacy
Visitors to St Vincent's Hospital campus in Sydney will notice something unusual on the walls...
August 2019
George Pell's new best friend – dissenting judge Mark Weinberg
The dissenting judgment in George Pell's appeal will form the basis of his appeal to the High Court.
Odds favour High Court taking on Pell case
The split decision by the Victorian appeal court is a good indicator that the High Court will take a look at the conviction of Australia's most senior Catholic.
Pell to lose national honours: Scott Morrison
Scott Morrison says his sympathies are with the victims of child sexual abuse after the senior Catholic's appeal was dismissed by a Victorian court.
George Pell could be stripped of honours: Scott Morrison
George Pell will remain in prison as a convicted sex offender after the Court of Appeal quashed his bid for freedom on Wednesday. But the split judgment opens the way for a possible High Court hearing.
June 2019
The two minutes that sent a chill down the spine of Pell's prosecutors
Justice Mark Weinberg revealed in a two-minute exchange his concern Pell's own "impossible" defence, may have misled the jury to answer the wrong question.
Pell's lawyers give 13 reasons why he is not guilty
Crown prosecutors will on Thursday reject the 13 reasons given by George Pell's lawyer to explain why it was "impossible" for the cardinal to be guilty of sexually abusing two choirboys in the 1990s when he was archbishop of Melbourne.
April 2019
'That could have been me,' says author of George Pell book
Louise Milligan, the journalist who helped expose George Pell, still struggles with the trauma of sex abuse victims.
'No longer fit for purpose': Suppression debate
Australia's peak legal body says a debate whether suppression orders remain "fit for purpose" after the Pell case.