August 2024
Beazley names state ‘most vulnerable and worthwhile’ to attack
The former defence minister says a nuclear submarine is vital to protecting the resources industry, urging an even harder line on blocking Chinese investment in critical minerals.
April 2024
Leaders condemn terror attack, call for calm
Political and religious leaders have called for calm after a shock stabbing in a Sydney church has put some communities on edge for reprisals.
March 2024
Former MP Joel Fitzgibbon’s son killed in parachuting incident
Lance Corporal Jack Fitzgibbon was the only son of the former Labor MP who served as defence minister from 2007 to 2009 in the Rudd government.
April 2023
Biden faces awkward talks abroad about intelligence leaks
US allies are disconcerted by the biggest breach of US intelligence since former federal contractor Edward Snowden handed out thousands of pages of classified documents to journalists a decade ago.
February 2023
Defence must counter China’s edge in missiles: Chipman
In the face of China’s superior capabilities, it is important to build on our strengths, says Air Marshal Robert Chipman, ahead of Avalon 2023 airshow.
Women with wings take their place in the sky
Women pilots have had to fight some brave battles in their personal and professional lives to hang on to their passion for the skies.
June 2022
China, climate change are Australia’s greatest threats: Brandis
Former high commissioner to the UK George Brandis is heading back to Australia for an academic appointment at Australian National University.
December 2020
Collins class subs get $24m Aussie system overhaul
The Australian Navy's ageing Collins class submarine fleet will undergo a $23.7 million upgrade of its sonar systems, including an Australian-developed mine avoidance system.
October 2020
Boosting military capability is a must amid rising tensions
Across the Indo-Pacific, countries are accelerating their preparedness for conflict. We must ensure Australia is best positioned to respond to these threats.
Digital transformation must draw on human experience
Designing technological solutions from an understanding of human experience will be critical in making them effective.
by Accenture
Small but active defence sector on the ASX
Defence-related businesses are actively traded on the stock exchange, providing evidence that Australian companies are significant players in the sector.
US-China rift drives Australia's defence agenda
An increasingly assertive China and a volatile Donald Trump means when it comes to national security, Australia has needed to step up, and fast.
Extensive threats from cyberspace confront the nation
There are two main actors Australia has to contend with: nation states and cyber criminals.
Nation needs a stronger cyber regulatory framework
Australia must respond to growing evidence that it lags behind the rest of the Asia-Pacific in terms of digital transformation and cyber security.
Organisations must get cyber risk settings right
Experts warn of espionage and multi-stage attacks on computer systems.
Increasing local participation in projects is vital
Expenditure of $1 billion over 10 years on domestic production capability augurs well for defence industry.
June 2020
Artificial intelligence is where our natural talents lie
The export success of Nulka anti-missile decoy and the Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile show that Australia has entered the world stage with defence innovation.
June 2019
Rare earths minerals a global issue, says Defence Minister
Linda Reynolds says access to rare earths minerals is an issue of strategic importance for much of the western world.
July 2017
Ex-NSA chief Chris Inglis backs government's encryption push against Apple, Facebook
The deputy director of the NSA during the Snowden leaks has backed Australia's encryption stance against tech giants.
June 2017
Victoria's Daniel Andrews ramps up anti-terror laws after Brighton siege
Terror suspects could be placed under curfew, be subject to GPS tracking and children as young as 14 locked up without charge under proposed hard-line reforms to Victoria's terror laws.