
Rear Window

Mark Di Stefano

Accenture hears the lucrative drumbeat of war

Accenture emerged from Canberra’s ‘war on consultants’ unscathed. Now, the company has sought outside help getting in on Defence contracts.

In the carnage of the PwC scandal, each of the big four submitted themselves to the sicko humiliation of appearing before the Senate’s consulting inquiry this year. One spreadsheets-for-hire firm outside the group stood apart.

Accenture chief Peter Burns appeared before Deb O’Neill, Barbara Pocock and Richard Colbeck in July. Unlike his industry colleagues, Burns all but brought the Senate’s three-headed Cerberus to heel.

Mark Di Stefano is Rear Window columnist, based in the Sydney newsroom. He previously worked at BuzzFeed, the Financial Times and The Information before joining the Financial Review as a media and tech correspondent. Connect with Mark on Twitter. Email Mark at

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