Adam Hooper has 17 children. Two of them are his biological children with his ex-wife. He sees them regularly, helped to name them and is an active father in every sense of the word. The other 15 are the result of sperm donations Hooper, 36, has made to couples and single women over the past six years, most of whom were relative strangers to him.
Hooper is literally and figuratively the face of private sperm donation in Australia, a movement which is growing here thanks largely to his efforts. He founded and still runs a private Facebook group, Sperm Donation Australia, in 2015, dedicated to matching willing sperm donors with those seeking donations. The group has 10,000 members, an American offshoot (Sperm Donation USA: 13,000 members), a podcast and, according to Hooper, interest from several Hollywood studios for a documentary series. Hooper calls it a movement.