October 2023
Joe Aston’s farewell column
After 12 years of writing Rear Window, my reward was the belly laughs I got to share with AFR readers as, again and again, we denuded the most fantastic pretenders in the nation.
August 2023
Blackmore happy to be the Col Sanders of vitamins after $334m payday
The company’s largest shareholder says he’ll wait for six months before deploying the $334 million coming to him from the Kirin buyout.
April 2023
Swisse creeps up on Blackmores as comedians lure Millennials
Comedians The Inspired Unemployed have given extra grunt to Swisse, which aims to topple Blackmores as vitamins market leader.
Jacinta Price takes the Barnaby Joyce route
Well, aren’t things just looking super-promising for the federal opposition?
Blackmores suitor revealed as Japanese giant; will another follow?
The discussions did not proceed partly because there were fears about relations with China and concerns about the high price needed to be paid for the company.
February 2023
Why Marcus Blackmore is voting no on the Voice
The vitamin mogul says he’s been convinced by Northern Territory senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and thinks Anthony Albanese needs a better salesman.
December 2022
Why the biggest shareholder in Blackmores is headed to Dubbo
A “bloody rocket” from 97-year-old shareholder Jack Poyner helped re-engage Marcus Blackmore with his eponymous company after the previous board froze him out.
October 2021
Blackmores fiasco looks like rolling on
This should’ve been the easiest deal for both sides to do. Instead, it was a circus.
The penny drops in Blackmores AGM fight
It is finally apparent why the Blackmores board is steadfastly opposed to a new director being parachuted into their midst by Marcus Blackmore.
Blackmores not playing happy families
Just like in a session of family therapy, the patriarch is talking past and around the issue he really has.
May 2020
Blackmores steadies the ship
The largest shareholder in Australia's biggest vitamins company is positioning for the future on many fronts.
October 2019
New Blackmores CEO vows to reboot flat Australia
CEO Alastair Symington says glucosamine prices are up by 25 per cent as the cost of raw materials and taking over a tablet factory become a short-term drag.
Rich Lister rock: Singo's singalong with Kris Kristofferson
Rich Listers don't die – they just fly in 83-year-old rockers.
August 2019
Marcus Blackmore in $400 million wipeout
A fading China vitamins miracle has been difficult to swallow for the largest shareholder in Blackmores in the past 12 months.
Blackmores hit by China pain as daigou depart
Many small daigou traders who were buying up big volumes of vitamins from Australian retailers to sell online in China have vanished.
July 2019
Blackmores picks CEO for changing Chinese market
Blackmores has soared and sunk on Chinese demand, which makes its new CEO's on-the-ground experience crucial.
Blackmores hires Coty's Alastair Symington as CEO
The new boss of the vitamins group once ran the Great Wall of China marathon and faces a tough road in driving growth in Asia as he exits from cosmetics.
May 2019
The Rich Listers who aren't quite so rich any more
The record cut-off of $472 million for Financial Review Rich List 2019 means some stalwart names no longer rank among Australia's 200 richest people.
April 2019
Why Marcus Blackmore has a confession to make
Marcus Blackmore is $500 million poorer on paper after a Blackmores fall from favour but remains stoic about the future.
Why Marcus Blackmore says the company shot itself in the foot
'Unless we can grow the top line we're buggered in the long run': That's the blunt assessment from Blackmores interim CEO Marcus Blackmore