March 2024
Break or breakthrough: the red flags at Victoria’s VC fund
Breakthrough Victoria was formed after its now-chairman, John Brumby, called for the establishment of such a fund.
- Myriam Robin
November 2020
Higher education awards acknowledge response to the pandemic
There are winners in nine areas of university activity from a record 156 nominations.
- Robert Bolton
Right policy will lead education out of crisis
Former Deakin University vice-chancellor Jane den Hollander, the recipient of this year's AFR Higher Education Lifetime Achievement Award, is no stranger to navigating through crises.
- Robert Bolton
October 2020
Victoria likely to miss out on international students in 2021
The state has left itself without a co-ordinating body for international students, while a crucial strategy document has expired.
- Robert Bolton
April 2020
Unis urge hardship fund for overseas students
Universities, TAFEs and language schools in Queensland have called on the federal government to set up a hardship fund for international students after Prime Minister Scott Morrison said overseas students who could not support themselves should return home.
- Robert Bolton