
Henry Paulson

November 2022

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announces she is stepping down as a Democrat leader.

Pelosi’s tenure as House Speaker is unlikely to be surpassed

She asserted an iron will as Democrats’ longest-serving leader and never lost her grip on the party.

  • Edward Luce

September 2022

Two weeks before the collapse of Lehman Brothers, US authorities agreed to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Did the US shortchange investors $US27b?

Investment firm Fairholme Funds is leading a group that claims US government agencies shortchanged them $US27 billion in the financial engineering that has its roots in the 2008 mortgage meltdown.

  • Marc Rubinstein

January 2021

Henry Paulson will runTPG's $US5 billion Rise funds focused on "impact investing".

Henry Paulson returns to finance, to run climate-focused fund

The move brings Paulson back to the finance industry for the first time since he left Goldman Sachs to become Treasury secretary in 2006.

  • Andrew Ross Sorkin

November 2020

Barack Obama's new memoir A Promised Land was released November 17.

Obama’s memoir is a ripping read until he gets to the White House

After detailing a thrilling ride to the presidency, Barack Obama gives an honest account of his time in office that stops consistently short of the whole truth.

  • Edward Luce

June 2020

More than 60 per cent of the world’s currency reserves are in dollars.

We may be entering a post-dollar world

Continued erosion of trust in America politically could have an impact on the dominance of the US banking system and the supremacy of its currency.

  • Rana Foroohar

February 2020

Larry Fink:

Inside BlackRock's black box

About 10 per cent of global stocks and bonds sit on BlackRock’s vast technology platform and critics argue that it could destablise the entire financial system.

  • Richard Henderson and Owen Walker
David Solomon's task is to make a business that once reeked of entitlement feel like a scrappy outsider.

From vampire squid to Wall St scrapper: the humbling of Goldman Sachs

In the noughties, Goldman Sachs figured as the world’s most powerful investment bank. But that's all history.

  • Jonathan Guthrie

January 2020

Kevin Rudd with former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, a fellow member of a delegation from the 2019 New Economy Forum, before they meet Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing last week.

Brace for decade of 'living dangerously', warns Kevin Rudd

Peace between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping over trade won't stop an increasingly "adversarial" clash between the superpowers as they test each other's limits on technology, markets and security, says the former Australian PM.

  • Jacob Greber

August 2019

A Lehman moment denotes a "sudden stop" to the global economy - that is, a simultaneous collapse in trade, investment and consumption.

Why the Fed will struggle to respond to the next crisis

A decade on from the GFC and with a potential recession looming, we still don’t get the deeper interconnections in the global economic system.

  • Jonathan Schlefer

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