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The social condition of business

Mark Eggleton

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Businesses are in a period where the focus should be as much on the customer as it is on finances. Jessica Shapiro

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Australia’s largest banks, insurers and superannuation licensees might be managed rather well in a financial sense but the industry is grappling to manage non-financial risks, such as culture and accountability according to a report released late last week by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).

The report followed a period of self-assessment undertaken by 36 of the nation’s largest financial service providers carried out in response to last year’s final report of the Prudential Inquiry into the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

According to APRA, one of the consistent themes of the self-assessment process was “risk culture is not well understood, and therefore may not be reinforcing the desired behaviours”.

APRA deputy chairman John Lonsdale said the self-assessment process made clear that many of the issues identified within CBA are not unique to that institution.


Lonsdale said the findings would be used to help APRA better target its efforts to lift standards of non-financial risk management.

“Boards must be committed to uplifting governance and management of non-financial risks. Where this commitment is not forthcoming, APRA will consider the need for further regulatory action,” he said.

APRA’s report follows the release of a paper prepared for the Actuaries Institute last month outlining the need for Australia’s major financial institutions to better understand their social risks and the social condition of their business.

The thought leadership paper, titled The Social Condition Report, was prepared for the Actuaries Institute by authors Ian Laughlin, a former deputy chairman at APRA, and Hadyn Bernau, a principal at Finity Consulting. It said the “social condition” of a financial services business – the state of its relationships with its customers, employees, regulators, intermediaries, politicians and the wider community – is “no less important to a company’s long-term success than its financial condition”.

“The basic premise underlying this paper is that relationships with key groups in society are so fundamental to the success of a financial services business, and of such great value, that there should be a systematic approach to the management of those relationships,” the paper states.

Sudden change

The authors argue many social risks are being “poorly managed – perhaps not even being identified”.

According to the paper’s co-author Hadyn Bernau, loss of social capital has occurred suddenly and quickly in Australia’s financial institutions, with little or no warning provided by current management indicators and reporting.

He suggests there is a lot of public relations speak involved in reporting based around jargon such as “net promoter scores” but they are shallow and underdeveloped.

He says social capital is just as significant as financial capital but social risks are considered intangible and difficult to measure and quantify.

Bearing this in mind, the Actuaries Institute paper proposes companies undertake an annual social condition report broadly modelled on the mandatory financial condition report – a report highly valued by insurance company boards and APRA because it provides a comprehensive view of the financial dynamics of complex businesses.

“The social condition report (SCR) could be as valuable for boards, ASIC and APRA because of the insights it will provide into the quality of the relationships with society, and the risks to those relationships.”

Bernau says the first part of the report would be about measuring relationships.

Seek better understanding

“You can start one relationship at a time. It might be with the customers, or a group of customers, or it might be your internal relationships. The point is to get a better understanding of them, measuring them and managing them.

“Once you get really good at understanding the social risks, or relationship risks, then you would of course report on it comprehensively.

“It’s a two-step process. Step one is mapping out all your different stakeholder groups, and understanding how significant each of those groups is to your business.

“You can almost rank them and divide each group in terms of their strategic significance to your business and then measure the risk they pose,” Bernau says.

For Bernau, these risks apply to any business that has significant value in its intangible assets and relationships, which he suggests is most companies.

And like the financial condition report, Bernau says the SCR should be presented directly to the board in an unfettered and independent way so the board has impartial reporting around the state of an organisation’s social capital and social risks.

“Importantly, it’s just good hard-headed business to understand your social capital and it will generate a financial return if you do so.”

He says Australian business are laggards when it comes to factoring in social risk factors and it is something his co-author Ian Laughlin noticed at APRA where social risks are not featuring in risk frameworks.

Losing social capital

Bernau believes this might be because Australian business is too focused on short-term profit.

He says his company measured the social capital in the big four banks over the last few years and their conclusion was they had lost almost all of their social capital in the last three years.

Moreover, this loss of social capital can be factored into their market capitalisation over the same period as the short term does not illustrate the whole picture.

Bernau says in the good times, a bank’s total value for example is made up of about 40 per cent in financial capital, about 20 per cent in human and intellectual capital, and 40 per cent in social capital.

Comparing the good times of three years ago to now, Bernau says the banks have lost 30 to 40 per cent of their value “but they didn’t lose any financial capital, they didn’t lose any of their human or intellectual capital, so it must have come out of their social capital”.

Interestingly, he does not attribute this fall in social capital to perceived corporate malfeasance because their “conduct and behaviours didn’t suddenly fall off a cliff”.

“I think it's more like that their stakeholder relationships have become a lot more distant.”

Distant relationship

He suggests technology such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and the growth of call centres has put more distance between banks and their stakeholders. The upshot is people are less forgiving because there is not a personal edge to relationships with banks anymore.

“When you’ve got a close relationship with a customer and you make a mistake or something goes wrong, the customer might even overlook it, understand these things happen, or they’ll work through it and solve it with you together. But when it’s a distant relationship, you’re much less likely to understand, you’re more likely to point the finger and think badly of them.

“I think the rise of distant relationships is affecting social capital more than bad conduct because conduct hasn’t got much worse.”

Furthermore, Bernau says the huge focus on “customer centricity” is also affecting social capital across business because it often means neglecting other stakeholders such as service providers, suppliers, regulators and even the media.

“We’ve had a period of shareholding primacy and shareholder focus and we’re now in a period of customer-primacy and customer-focus but the more mature approach would be to just consider all the stakeholders,” Bernau concludes.

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