The New Zealand Stock Exchange has defended its $12 million bid for a controlling stake in the National and the Bendigo stock exchanges, despite widespread opposition from shareholders. The New Zealand sharemarket operator is seeking to buy 50.1 per cent of NSX, which operates the National and the Bendigo exchanges, but the move required 75 per cent of NSX shareholders to repeal a clause in the company's constitution that prevents a shareholder having more than 15 per cent voting power. The offer, which involves issuing 78.5 million new NSX shares at 15¢ each to NZX, has been recommended by the majority of NSX directors but hasn't been warmly received by shareholders. The high-profile director of 13 per cent shareholder Guinness Peat Group, Gary Weiss, told The Australian Financial Review that while he agreed with the strategic benefits of the deal, he was not excited about the offer price of 15¢ a share. "While we could see merits in the strategic relationships with the New Zealand exchange, the terms proposed on their face look far from compelling," he said. Veteran trader and 14 per cent shareholder Brian Price and former director Steven Pritchard also questioned the merits of the offer last week. NSX director Brian Peadon, who owns a 14.1 per cent stake, is also understood to oppose the offer. The offer is a nil-premium takeover because NSX shares traded above the offer price in the weeks leading up to the announcement. NSX shares traded as high as 24¢ last week before finishing the week at 19¢. Well aware of the challenges that NZS faces, one of its senior executives, Geoff Brown, has defended its offer. "That price [15¢] is in effect the price of the last six months, and that's the price we would be prepared to pay," he said. "The share price is up as a consequence of our potential interest in this. I'm not sure that we should be in any position to have to pay that [price]. "I think it's worth waiting for the independent expert's report, and then us being able to review," he said. PricewaterhouseCoopers has been appointed to prepare an independent expert's report for NSX shareholders, and provide opinion on whether the proposed placement is fair and reasonable to non-associated NSX shareholders. "This proposed transaction is something that has only come up recently in the last month," Mr Brown said. "From our perspective we viewed this as an opportunity to put to shareholders some reasonably stark choices - in terms of having to decide on their board. "The circumstances which allowed us to be able to respond reasonably quickly more recently reflects that it's a business that we have looked at on numerous occasions." He said the terms of the offer had been drawn up "quite quickly". Complicating matters for the Kiwi bourse, a group of aggrieved NSX shareholders - including Mr Price and Mr Pritchard - have called a meeting to spill the current board later this month. In what has become an increasingly confused situation, the board and shareholders have called three extraordinary general meetings to vote on resolutions to replace the board. This has resulted in two proposed meetings, on May 27 and May 28. NSX approached the Federal Court last week to seek a ruling on which of the proposed meetings is valid. A meeting to vote on the NZX offer is scheduled for June. A board spill at NSX would lessen the offer's chances of success. NZX's latest Australian expansion play comes almost a decade after merger talks between the Australian and New Zealand stock exchanges failed. NZX boss Mark Weldon's last attempt to enter the Australian market was through a 50 per cent stake in the alternative AXE ECN exchange.