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Industry insight : A powerful, predictable trend

Oliver Hextall

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This Industry Insight is produced in commercial partnership with Fidelity.

A number of pervasive demographic mega-trends are driving growth and innovation across economies, industries and communities and creating substantial and ongoing opportunities for investors.

Demographic analysis looks at both historical and projected changes in population over time which have the power to significantly impact society and economies. These changes also create exciting opportunities for investors.

Demographic analysis creates exciting opportunities for investors. iStock

A key benefit for investors is that predications about demographic trends can be made with a relatively high degree of certainty. For example, it is possible to forecast the working-age populations of most countries in 10 years’ time (excluding unpredictable events such as wars, epidemics, or catastrophes) with greater certainty than GDP forecasts of those same countries.

Another key point is that these demographic shifts take place over a long period of time.


As investors, it is important to distinguish between near-term and long-term drivers for the market when making investment decisions.

It is likely that there will be some degree of volatility throughout 2022 and into 2023, as well as rising inflation which has proven to be more than transitory.

However, markets tend to be myopic and overemphasise recent events such as these when making investment decisions. This creates inefficiencies that can be exploited by investors, by identifying earnings growth compounders exposed to structural growth themes such as demographics.

Oliver Hextall, Portfolio Manager, Fidelity Global Demographics Fund

Oliver Hextall is Portfolio Manager, Fidelity Global Demographics Fund. 

The big four drivers

The main demographic trends driving global change include: rising life expectancy and an ageing population; expansion of the middle class; and population growth.

These are long-term trends that will underpin development and innovation around the globe for many years to come.

Unlike macroeconomic cycles and investor sentiment, demographic trends are slow-moving, meaning their cumulative impact is often missed or underestimated by markets. This creates an investment opportunity focusing on companies that benefit from these long-term structural changes.

These trends are also multi-faceted, with each exerting a range of effects.

For example, the ageing global population will have a range of impacts, including more demand for automated solutions to offset the loss in productivity from relatively fewer workers, different types of holidays for retirees, and a greater need for discretionary healthcare treatments aimed at boosting quality of life.

Within the demographic theme of the expanding middle class, we can identify drivers such as increased consumption, more demand for financial services, and urbanisation, while population growth signifies a greater focus on sustainability as resources become more scarce.

Investment outlier

A company such as Microsoft, for example, fits squarely into the demographics theme of rising life expectancy as its cloud operation enhances productivity for its customers — vital to address the issue of ageing populations around the world, which are putting pressure on the workforce.

Microsoft also has exposure to another demographic trend. As populations grow and consumption rises, it becomes increasingly important to use resources efficiently and sustainably. Hyperscale cloud solutions are up to a staggering 90 per cent more energy efficient than on-premises data centres, helping to support the growing world.

While demographics as a theme is somewhat of an outlier in the investment universe given its natural breadth, its ability to diversify without sacrificing thematic purity helps limit its vulnerability to sell-offs.

This contrasts with other more narrowly focused themes that can disproportionately suffer when their industries fall out of favour.

As such, demographics is a powerful, relatively predictable and secular trend, that complements a quality, growth and sustainability focus.

Oliver Hextall is Portfolio Manager, Fidelity Global Demographics Fund.

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