December 2024
- Opinion
- Gas
Victoria is running out of gas and there is no easy fix
A gas-rich, wealthy country unable to supply gas to its major population centres is a massive policy failing. There is one “least-worst” solution.
November 2024
- Opinion
- Energy transition
COP29 made slow progress in the hottest year ever
The value of the international climate talkfest is again under the spotlight. But Australia should stay on board what has been described as humanity’s life raft.
- Opinion
- Energy transition
Climate change has broken Labor’s promise to cut electricity bills by $275
The reality for both sides of politics is that delivering lower emissions and reducing power prices is a false target. This is not negotiable – we cannot negotiate with physics.
September 2024
- Opinion
- Nuclear energy
Six points that Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan has to answer
The major parties are further apart than ever on energy policy, and neither has a credible plan to reduce prices. Where does that leave the Coalition’s nuclear gamble?
August 2024
- Opinion
- Energy transition
How to keep Future Made in Australia out of the pork barrel
Industry policies rightly have a bad name. The government needs to tighten the wording of its FMIA bill if it wants to prevent abuse.
- Opinion
- Energy transition
Fixing the electricity market for good
The Productivity Commission looks set to review the 1990s-era electricity market design. The key will be making sure that governments stick to an agreed fix.
June 2024
- Opinion
- Energy transition
Why 2030 targets are in trouble and Australia may fall short
In hindsight, the scale and pace of the task were underestimated by federal and state governments.
April 2024
- Opinion
- Energy transition
Post-coal power choice is renationalisation or redesigning the market
An integrated net-zero electricity system depends on governments restoring faith in the market delivering enough power to the right places at the right time.
March 2024
- Opinion
- Gas
Running out of gas is avoidable – but we need to move fast
Declining production from offshore Victorian gas fields is unlikely to be substantially replaced by new local gas supply.
February 2024
- Opinion
- Electric vehicles
Put the foot down on clean car standards
Stricter rules for lower-emissions new vehicles are long overdue, and the risks are easily managed.
December 2023
- Opinion
- Hydrogen
Less hype, more hard work needed to realise hydrogen hopes
Hydrogen offers three big opportunities that should be grasped now, and realising them without undue hope or excessive long-term subsidies requires focused analysis and clear policies.
November 2023
- Opinion
- Energy transition
Green power play could hit target or destroy electricity market
The bottom line on the Capacity Investment Scheme will depend on whether it’s done well and the risks are managed.
- Opinion
- Energy transition
Chalmers has rebooted energy policy
A mid-term government is now realising that energy and climate must become a focus for the whole cabinet.
August 2023
- Opinion
- Energy transition
How to get the energy transition back on track
Current trends will mean missing our 2030 emissions targets, risking electricity reliability and failing to deliver the federal government’s promise of cheaper power. Change is urgently required on all three fronts.
June 2023
- Opinion
- Gas
Hydrogen is too far off to replace gas power
Electricity already does the same job as natural gas in millions of homes and small businesses and is steadily becoming net zero emissions.
May 2023
- Opinion
- Energy transition
Labor has made a good start, but tricky energy and climate road ahead
As the government begins its second year in office, how it deals with the big three challenges of gas shortages, electricity prices and emission reduction targets may determine its prospects in 2025.
March 2023
- Opinion
- Climate policy
Critical milestone reached in great safeguard compromise
The government’s safeguard mechanism agreement is neither as tough as the Greens hoped, nor as dangerous as the gas industry has feared.
- Opinion
- Gas crisis
Gas can be fixed, but it will take good government to do so
There is no single way forward out of the gas crisis. But first, halt the denial and the unedifying blame game.
December 2022
- Opinion
- Energy
Messy end to gas market intervention?
The government had no choice but to intervene, and none of the possible interventions was without big consequences. But does setting a “reasonable price” snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?
October 2022
- Opinion
- Electricity
What direction now for the NEM?
State government interventions have fractured the National Electricity Market. A mixed model that supports private sector investment is the best hope.