
Sam Roggeveen

March 2023

Whether he’s right, wrong or somewhere in between, Paul Keating has raised some issues worth debating.

The big AUKUS question that Albanese has yet to answer

Paul Keating is insouciant about China’s muscle and dismissive of Taiwan’s democracy. But he has changed the national debate about the submarine deal.

March 2022

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a parade marking Victory Day in Crimea.

The risks of success against Russia

Vladimir Putin’s actions have brought us to this dangerous moment, but Western leaders are now deciding how the conflict will end. While we all want Russia to lose, if it loses by too much, we will all lose.

December 2021

China’s ability to project power as far as Australia is still limited.

Don’t let the China hawks frighten you

China will become more powerful -- but any hostile reach towards Australia will always be limited by technology and regional politics.

September 2021

By ditching the French submarines for nuclear-powered boats, is Australia abandoning one folly only to embark on another?

A Rolls-Royce sub fleet, when what we need is a class of Corollas

If the US decides not to pay the price of competing with China, Australia’s nuclear-powered submarines could ultimately leave our home defences exposed.

July 2021

Trump represented a widening of his country’s political system; Xi a closing.

Why the US is quietly outshining China

Xi Jinping likes to say China owns the future and the West is in decline. But appearances can also deceive


October 2020

Times are a-changing: "Fifteen years ago, maybe I would have voted for Joe Biden."

Trump or Biden, Australia is alone

America protected Europe through the Cold War with a credible nuclear deterrent. Indo-Pacific nations can expect no such pledge.

August 2020

Donald Trump still has cards to play.

Why the American public has tuned out of politics

The American political class are fighting their private culture wars that have sidelined the concerns that ordinary citizens have.

December 2019

Boris Johnson and his rival party candidates  at the declaration of his seat.

Why the day of the party is done

Boris Johnson's success looks like a victory for traditional big political parties too. In fact it only underscores their state of flux.

October 2019

In Australia, immigration is a compelling analogue to the issue that divided Britain in 2016.

Australia's Brexit is waiting to happen

Immigration – a long-running point of domestic controversy with profound consequences for foreign policy – is a compelling Australian analogue to the issue that divided Britain, writes Sam Roggeveen.

September 2019

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison (left) will travel to Washington to meet President Donald Trump.

Are Trumpians or Boltonians in charge?

Scott Morrison will need to work out if he is still dealing with the American Globocop, or a parochial Trump when he travels to Washington. It will make all the difference.

August 2019

Australia needs to look carefully at American foreign policy.

Does America want to be Number One?

Washington could very easily decide that it has no desire or need to be the leading power in the Asia-Pacific region, writes Sam Roggeveen.

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