
Robin Harding

August 2024

China’s property boom was partly driven by local government reliance on land sales for revenue.

China’s refusal to tackle local government debt is a looming disaster

Beijing’s reluctance to surrender control to local authorities or take on more responsibility is a key impediment to solving the country’s challenges.

The People’s Bank of China cut two key policy rates by 10 basis points, its first rate reduction in nearly six months.

China’s bond market is sending a warning signal to the world

Soft yields are a vote of no confidence in Beijing’s policy, a forecast that economic conditions will not improve and a warning that deflation will take root.

March 2024

An ageing population is likely to keep interest rates at low levels.

As Japan lifts interest rates, the real tests are yet to come

It is what the US Fed does rather than the Bank of Japan that will decide whether the country returns to solid growth or not.

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