
Phillip Coorey

November 2018

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg cancels G20 trip amid Canberra chaos

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has pulled out of this weekend's G20 summit in Argentina, opting to remain in Canberra amid parliamentary chaos for the Coalition.

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Scott Morrison uses early budget to announce federal election

Scott Morrison has rolled the dice on an election victory in May next year, underpinned by an early federal budget that will predict a return to surplus in 2019-20.

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Scott Morrison announces federal budget on April 2, election in May

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has vowed to hand down a surplus budget a month early on April 2 before an election in May.

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  • Exclusive

Government should do a deal with Labor on the NEG: Julie Bishop

Former deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop has called on the Morrison government to do a deal with Labor on the National Energy Guarantee, saying business wants it.

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Crossbench MPs Kerryn Phelps, Cathy McGowan and Bob Katter during the presentation and second reading of the National Integrity Commission Bill on Monday.

Federal ICAC still a chance

Crossbench plans to exploit the Morrison government's minority status could still have legislation for a federal anti-corruption body succeed.

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Scott Morrison to hold crisis talks after Victorian election wipeout

Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg will hold crisis talks with Victorian federal MPs on Monday after the rout of the Liberal Party on Saturday raised fears for up to six federal Coalition seats.

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Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen: "It's time that conservatives in the Liberal Party actually made a stand on a mainstream economic issue and knocked this craziness on the head."

Scott Morrison plans early budget ahead of May election

The Morrison government is planning an early federal budget next year, all but confirming its intention to go full term and call the election for May.

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Coalition set to block debate on federal anti-corruption body

The Morrison government will come under renewed pressure from crossbench MPs to develop a national anti-corruption body when Parliament resumes on Monday.

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  • Opinion

The ghost of Malcolm Turnbull has stalked the Victorian hustings

In a soft left state, Liberal leader Matthew Guy has kept the federal party's conservatives and their media parrots at arms length.

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Malcolm Turnbull to headline clean energy summit next month

Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will give the headline speech at a clean energy summit next month - right in the middle of the final sitting of federal Parliament.

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ScoMo tells big biz to pay their bills and stop treating SMEs like banks

The nation's 3000 largest businesses will be forced pay their bills to small and medium enterprises within 20 days as a condition of future government contracts.

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In one of his most important policy announcements between now and the election, Labor leader Bill Shorten will say today his party remains committed to the National Energy Guarantee.

Labor puts energy subsidies and investment ahead of NEG

Labor will subsidise household batteries, underwrite clean power, and keep alive the option of a NEG, in order to reduce emissions and ward off a Coalition scare campaign.

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IMF backs the need for policy certainty on climate change

Labor has received a late boost to its energy policy plans with the IMF saying Australia needed policy certainty on emissions reduction.

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Incentives, visa restrictions to drive revised migrant flows

Incentives and visa conditions will be used to ensure migrants go to where they are required, under the government's new migration plans.

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  • Exclusive

Department advised against embassy move six months ago

The government looked at relocating the Israeli embassy less than six months ago but rejected it on the grounds of security, geopolitical consequences, cost and need.

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Labor says it can lower power prices and emissions

Labor says the certainty created by having an energy policy and the falling cost of renewable energy means emissions can be cut and prices lowered at the same time.

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Bill Shorten dismisses negative gearing critics as 'multi-millionaire brigade'

Bill Shorten has taken a crack at property investors and lenders criticising his proposals to curb negative gearing, labelling them the "the multi-millionaire brigade".

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  • Opinion

Fairfax-Ipsos poll: Labor to roll the dice on climate change, maybe this time it will work

Bill Shorten will unveil his energy policy on Thursday, two days before the Victorian election. He is confident it will help swing votes Labor's way.

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Fairfax-Ipsos poll: Voters want cuts to power prices and carbon emissions

Power bills are the biggest concern for voters when it comes to energy policy but cutting carbon emissions is a close second, the latest Fairfax/Ipsos poll shows.

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Trade, security implications key to Israeli embassy decision: Birmingham

The national security and economic consequences of moving Australia's embassy in Israel will be taken into account before a decision is made, Simon Birmingham has stressed.

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