This Month
Private jets and public virtue: unspinning Cannon-Brookes on climate
The MCB playbook is clear: acknowledge contradictions before critics turn them into weapons, overwhelm with technical solutions, reframe luxury as sacrifice, and wealth as the solution.
I’m ‘diverse’. But Zuck has a point about DEI losing its way
What corporate culture needs isn’t a disavowal of diversity. We need a more nuanced and compassionate approach to creating inclusive spaces.
October 2024
If the Tech Council had moral backbone, it would have sacked White
Richard White has not fully departed WiseTech, perpetuating the idea that tech companies need ‘brilliant jerks’. The Tech Council should have sacked him.
July 2024
‘Declined to comment’: three words destroying millions in VC brand equity
There has been plenty of hand-wringing over the “negative coverage” the tech industry has copped in the past couple of years, but operators should speak up.