Dutton’s nuclear plan to wipe out Australia’s aluminium smelters
The Coalition’s costings are predicated on large industrial facilities in the southern and eastern states of Australia halving their energy use by the end of 2030.
September 2024
Beware the hidden cost of Dutton’s nuclear plan
The Coalition’s timeline will need major expansion of gas to replace sidelined renewable energy projects, which will be a huge and needless expense.
June 2024
Culture war is driving Coalition’s plan to stop renewables rollout
The first auction of the Capacity Investment Scheme has received more than 40 gigawatts of project registrations, showing there is a strong pipeline of renewables ready to go with the right policy settings.
April 2024
Let’s not waste the green energy opportunity
The government’s industry policy is not some throwback to the Deakinite settlement. It’s quite the opposite.
August 2023
Five serious answers why nuclear is the wrong solution for Australia
After 10 years of denial and delay on climate action, I’m not interested in more distraction from debate on an energy source which clearly doesn’t stack up for our country.
July 2022
Pass the climate bill to end the energy culture wars
Legislating the 2030 emissions reduction target will send the message that the country now has a government and a parliament that wants Australia to be a renewables powerhouse.