
Adam Triggs

May 2023

Despite China’s large economy and primacy in global trade, holding international reserves in its currency, the yuan, is risky.

Asian Monetary Fund no quick fix for the world’s dollar problem

For an Asian Monetary Fund to be effective, It would need a predictable and non-political process in a trusted institution which countries can access in times of crisis.

October 2022

Things we think we ‘produce’ locally - such as face masks - actually include many inputs that come from overseas.

The four fallacies that mean sovereign capability won’t work

Making semiconductors locally sounds reassuring at a time of global supply chain challenges. But in the modern world of complex and interdependent manufacturing it’s an empty promise.

August 2022

Real household income has grown at a slower rate over the last 10 years than in the preceding 50 years, with young households bearing the brunt.

Business as usual won’t fix stagnant economy and wages

The Jobs Summit needs a bold plan to remove regulatory barriers to market dynamism to give workers more jobs, more choice, and higher pay.

August 2021

Fires in Greece.

Markets don’t reward sustainable borrowers. Here’s a solution.

Lenders that are a good climate risk are being missed because of deficient global financial rules, insufficient data and weak institutions.

February 2021

If history is a guide, Joe Biden will lose the House, the Senate or both in November 2022.

Biden has brief window to fix world’s broken institutions

For the first time in more than 10 years, a US administration has an opportunity to lead reform and create new rules where there are none today.

October 2020

Buddhist monks collect alms in Bangkok  during the pandemic.

Asia won’t beat COVID-19 without international money

The developing economies of Asia – the nations most in need of help – are unable to access it from organisations such as the IMF.

April 2020

Indonesia is now a frontline state in a new emerging markets crisis.

Speed of the essence in Asia's new financial corona-contagion

Asian economies are at terrible risk from capital outflows. Australia, China and Japan must step up quickly to organise multilateral financial support for them.

  • Updated

March 2020

Police at a roadblock in Quito, Ecuador.

G20 must clear decks for triple blow to world economy

An emergency meeting of G20 leaders will address a perfect storm in the global economy. It will have to act on three fronts simultaneously to have an impact.

November 2019

Asia has taken a stand against trade protectionism

Asia has taken a stand against economic nationalism

The nationalist, protectionist model for the world is failing already. But RCEP has re-ignited the formula that has made Asia so prosperous, and it's vital for Australia too.

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