May 2023
- Opinion
- Global economy
Asian Monetary Fund no quick fix for the world’s dollar problem
For an Asian Monetary Fund to be effective, It would need a predictable and non-political process in a trusted institution which countries can access in times of crisis.
October 2022
- Opinion
- Foreign relations
The four fallacies that mean sovereign capability won’t work
Making semiconductors locally sounds reassuring at a time of global supply chain challenges. But in the modern world of complex and interdependent manufacturing it’s an empty promise.
August 2022
- Opinion
- Jobs summit
Business as usual won’t fix stagnant economy and wages
The Jobs Summit needs a bold plan to remove regulatory barriers to market dynamism to give workers more jobs, more choice, and higher pay.
August 2021
- Opinion
- Climate policy
Markets don’t reward sustainable borrowers. Here’s a solution.
Lenders that are a good climate risk are being missed because of deficient global financial rules, insufficient data and weak institutions.
February 2021
- Opinion
- Global economy
Biden has brief window to fix world’s broken institutions
For the first time in more than 10 years, a US administration has an opportunity to lead reform and create new rules where there are none today.
October 2020
- Analysis
- Emerging markets
Asia won’t beat COVID-19 without international money
The developing economies of Asia – the nations most in need of help – are unable to access it from organisations such as the IMF.
April 2020
- Opinion
- Coronavirus pandemic
Speed of the essence in Asia's new financial corona-contagion
Asian economies are at terrible risk from capital outflows. Australia, China and Japan must step up quickly to organise multilateral financial support for them.
- Updated
March 2020
- Opinion
- Coronavirus pandemic
G20 must clear decks for triple blow to world economy
An emergency meeting of G20 leaders will address a perfect storm in the global economy. It will have to act on three fronts simultaneously to have an impact.
November 2019
- Opinion
- Trade wars
Asia has taken a stand against economic nationalism
The nationalist, protectionist model for the world is failing already. But RCEP has re-ignited the formula that has made Asia so prosperous, and it's vital for Australia too.