
Patrick Bannah and Jonathan Zahinda allowed to remain on bail ahead of sentencing for raping 15-year-old girl

Two rapists are allowed to spend Christmas with their families after they left a mum with unbearable guilt for not being able to protect her 15-year-old daughter from their attacks.

What happens after a sexual assault?

A mother will forever bear the guilt of allowing her 15-year-old daughter to attend the party where she was raped by two vile predators, a court has heard.

Patrick Morie Bannah, also known as the Adelaide singer Loverboy, and Jonathan Zahinda took advantage of the child’s vulnerability but will still be able to spend Christmas with their families.

Victim impact statements from the victim and her mother were read by prosecutor Lisa Lakatos to the District Court on Tuesday.

The victim said the crime has had a significant impact on her emotional and social wellbeing.

“Causing me to live in constant paranoia and fear to go out and live a normal life,” she said.

Patrick Bannah was found guilty of rape and attempted rape. Supplied
Patrick Bannah was found guilty of rape and attempted rape. Supplied
Jonathan Zahinda was found guilty of rape and dissuading a witness. Picture Dean Martin
Jonathan Zahinda was found guilty of rape and dissuading a witness. Picture Dean Martin

“No matter how many years on, it hurts me to know I will have to live with this pain and trauma constantly.”

The victim’s mother said the guilt of allowing her daughter to attend the birthday party where she was assaulted is something she will always live with and never be able to forgive herself for.

“I have always protected (the victim) and I felt that I failed my role as a mother on the night of the assault as I unable to protect her from the assault which occurred,” she said.

“Causing me many sleepless nights with constant grieving, pain and sadness just imagining the trauma and hurt my little girl goes through every day.

“The crime committed against my sweet daughter has stolen the joy, happiness and bond we shared of our mother, daughter relationship,” she said.

The victim’s mother said she has now decided her youngest daughter will not be allowed to attend sleepovers in fear of the same thing happening again.

Ms Lakatos asked the court to revoke the men’s bail, saying they knew how intoxicated the victim was but still took advantage of her and stole her innocence.

During the men’s trial in October, the court heard the victim was at an 18th birthday party in an Adelaide Airbnb apartment in October 2020.

She drank alcohol for the first time and tried cannabis before going into one of the bedrooms.

Bannah then came into the bedroom and started touching the victim’s genitalia, with her telling him to stop.

He went on to attempt to sexually assault the child again before leaving the room.

Zahinda then came into the bedroom later in the evening and also raped the girl.

The police conducted an investigation and Zahinda then sent the victim a message telling her to drop the charges.

A jury found Bannah, 28, of Elizabeth Grove, and Zahinda, 26, of Bordertown, guilty of rape.

Bannah was also found guilty of attempted rape, while Zahinda was found guilty of dissuading a witness.

Both men are appealing the verdict.

James Caldicott, for Bannah, told the court his client was a passionate music maker who had toured overseas, including the United States in 2016 and his home country Liberia in 2019.

Bannah is an award-winning afrobeat recording artist and a music engineer who performs under the name ConCcoins.

Patrick Bannah, known as Loverboy, performing at one of his concerts. Photo: Facebook
Patrick Bannah, known as Loverboy, performing at one of his concerts. Photo: Facebook
Patrick Bannah cancelled his 10 year anniversary concert days after being found guilty of rape. Photo: Facebook
Patrick Bannah cancelled his 10 year anniversary concert days after being found guilty of rape. Photo: Facebook
Patrick Bannah will be sentenced next month. Photo: Facebook
Patrick Bannah will be sentenced next month. Photo: Facebook

The court heard Bannah, who was a devout Christian and father-of-three, had won a number of awards for his community work.

Mr Caldicott asked the court not to revoke Bannah’s bail, saying he wanted to spend the Christmas period with his family.

Christopher Allen, for Zahinda, also asked the court not to revoke his client’s bail, saying he had plans to obtain a mental health care plan.

Judge Nick Alexandrides declined to revoke the men’s bail ahead of sentencing next month.

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