
Patrick Bannah and Jonathan Zahinda guilty of rape of 15-year-old girl

An award-winning recording artist and his co-accused have learned their fate after an intoxicated 15-year-old was repeatedly raped at an Adelaide party.

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Two men have learnt their fate for raping a 15-year-old at a party, with a jury not buying it was a case of mistaken identity.

On Wednesday, a jury found both Patrick Morie Bannah, 28, and Jonathan Zahinda, 26, guilty of raping the intoxicated child.

Bannah was also found guilty of attempted rape, while Zahinda was found guilty of dissuading a witness after standing trial in the District Court.

After the jury’s verdict, several of the duo’s supporters broke down outside the courtroom.

Bannah, from Elizabeth Grove, is an award-winning afrobeat recording artist and a music engineer.

The Liberian singer and songwriter, who performs under the name ConCcoins, is known for several hits.

Ahura Kalali, for the prosecution, told the court in his opening statement the victim was at an 18th birthday party in an Adelaide Airbnb apartment in October 2020.

Patrick Bannah was found guilty of rape and attempted rape. Photo: Facebook
Patrick Bannah was found guilty of rape and attempted rape. Photo: Facebook
He will face court again next month. Photo: Facebook
He will face court again next month. Photo: Facebook

The court heard the victim drank alcohol for the first time and tried cannabis before going into one of the bedrooms.

Mr Kalali said Bannah then came into the bedroom and started touching the alleged victim’s genitalia, with her telling him to stop.

Bannah went on to attempt to sexually assault the child again before leaving the room.

Mr Kalali said Zahinda then came into the bedroom later in the evening and also raped the girl.

The court heard the party host, who had previously met Zahinda, caught him “red-handed” in the act before yelling at him to get out.

The police conducted an investigation and Zahinda then sent the victim a message.

“The message was quite lengthy, but it did say along the lines of ‘drop the charges’,” Mr Kalali said.

Jonathan Zahinda was found guilty of rape. Photo: Facebook
Jonathan Zahinda was found guilty of rape. Photo: Facebook
Jonathon Zahinda arrives at the District Court. Picture Dean Martin
Jonathon Zahinda arrives at the District Court. Picture Dean Martin

In her closing statement, Michelle Barnes, for Bannah, told the court a photograph of her client on the night of the party didn’t match the victim’s description of what the perpetrator was wearing.

The court heard Bannah’s tattoo sleeve – which was identified by the victim – was covered by his jacket and he was wearing a black T-shirt and not a white button up shirt as described.

Ms Barnes said the victim looked at the Instagram profile of Mr Bannah after the incident and her memory would have been influenced.

“In her mind from that moment is imprinted that that’s the man she saw at the party,” she said.

Christopher Allen, for Zahinda, said the party host hardly knew his client and would have only sighted the perpetrator for a few seconds.

The duo, who have been allowed to remain on bail, will face court again next month.

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