
SA Election 2018: Advance SA candidate Jenny Low claims former partner Nick Xenophon was ‘manipulative and controlling’

NICK Xenophon’s former partner has accused the SA Best leader of being “manipulative, controlling and inappropriate” during their seven-year relationship — claims Mr Xenophon emphatically denies.

Jenny Low calls for Nick Xenophon manipulative and controlling

NICK Xenophon’s former partner has accused the SA Best leader of being “manipulative, controlling and inappropriate” during their seven-year relationship — claims Mr Xenophon emphatically denies.

Jenny Low made the explosive claims during the launch of the Advance SA party on Friday, where she claimed Mr Xenophon, then 48, abused his position of power and “aggressively” pursued her romantically while she was a 23-year-old staffer.

She claims they dated “in secret” for seven years before Mr Xenophon ended the relationship.

Ms Low said she never intended to come forward with details of their relationship, but did so after inquiries by The Australian on Thursday.

In a strongly worded statement, Mr Xenophon emphatically rejected Ms Low’s claims and said he was “most distressed by any suggestion my relationship with Jenny was abusive or predatory in any way”.

“I am deeply saddened that a failed long-term relationship that I was involved in has been used by the Advance SA Party for blatant political gain,” he said.

“The party should be renamed Gutter SA.”

Jenny Low was a staff member of Nick Xenophon's party. Picture: Kelly Barnes/The Australian
Jenny Low was a staff member of Nick Xenophon's party. Picture: Kelly Barnes/The Australian

Ms Low stressed the alleged abuse was emotional, and not physical, and said she never intended to come forward with the allegations until The Australian made inquiries of her this week.

She gave few details about what she said was “manipulative and controlling” behaviour by Mr Xenophon, but alleged he kept their relationship secret during their seven years together.

“It is not normal to be in a seven-year relationship with somebody and for his family not to know. It is not normal to have your existence denied to everyone you meet except a handful of trusted people,” Ms Low said.

“Being my first long-term relationship, I thought the manipulative and controlling behaviours towards me were normal. I now know that it is not.”

When asked by reporters about details of the alleged emotional abuse, she said “there are many more details I could go into but I prefer not to”.

SA Best leader Nick Xenophon has emphatically rejected Ms Low’s claims. Picture: Lukas Coch/AAP
SA Best leader Nick Xenophon has emphatically rejected Ms Low’s claims. Picture: Lukas Coch/AAP

She said she would not elaborate on her claims because it would “serve no purpose other than to smear his name and I don’t want to do that”.

Mr Xenophon said he “categorically refuted” Ms Low’s allegations, but confirmed the pair sought relationship counselling in late 2013 and 2014.

“Sadly, that did not save our relationship,” Mr Xenophon said.

“The relationship waxed and waned, and there were several long breaks until we finally parted company in mid-2014. I made no secret of the relationship.

“We talked about a future together but unfortunately we couldn’t make it work. In the end we were not compatible.”


Mr Xenophon said the couple did not begin their relationship until after Ms Low had concluded her work as one of his campaign staffers in 2007.

“During the time she worked for the campaign, my relationship with Jenny Low was a purely professional working relationship and I was grateful for her assistance during the campaign,” he said.

“We both sought and obtained relationship counselling together in late 2013 and early 2014. Sadly, that did not save our relationship. I deeply regret that we couldn’t make the relationship work.”

He said former ally John Darley had never raised any concerns about the couple’s relationship and instead used it to launch the Advance SA party.

Mr Xenophon said it “smacks of the lowest form of dirty and desperate political opportunism”.

“When I entered this campaign I forecast my political opponents would throw everything at me including the proverbial kitchen sink. They clearly have not hesitated to get into the gutter at the first opportunity.”

Later, Mr Xenophon said it was no wonder “so many people don’t want to pursue a political career because of this sort of muckraking”.

“It’s been a pretty ugly, awful day and I’d like to think South Australians are more interested in solving the problems of the state and less interested in my personal relationship.”

Political staffer Connie Bonaros says she never witnessed any inappropriate behaviour from Nick Xenophon towards Jenny Low. Picture: Mike Burton
Political staffer Connie Bonaros says she never witnessed any inappropriate behaviour from Nick Xenophon towards Jenny Low. Picture: Mike Burton

Senator Stirling Griff’s chief of staff Connie Bonaros — who worked with Mr Darley and Ms Low during the relationship — said state politics had hit an all-time low.

“At no time during Jenny’s work on the campaign did I witness any inappropriate conduct by Nick towards Jenny or anyone else,” Ms Bonaros said.

“Nick’s conduct was entirely respectful and professional.

“I saw Nick and Jenny together and never witnessed anything to indicate the relationship involved emotional abuse, manipulation, control or predatory behaviour on the part of Nick.

“The break-up was hard for both of them but particularly so for Jenny. Despite this, I saw Nick continuing to treat Jenny with courtesy and respect on a professional basis after the relationship broke up.”

She alleged Ms Low had previously made threats to go public with their relationship.

Ms Low made the bombshell claims alongside John Darley and Peter Humphries as they launched the Advance SA party.

The “centralist” party say it will be the first to have assisted dying as a policy platform.

“We understand that assisted dying is a divisive issue but Advance SA believes people should have a right to a choice,” Peter Humphries said.

Mr Humphries will appear first on the Upper House ticket with Ms Low second.

Mr Darley will not be required to run as he does not complete his parliamentary term until 2022.


Jenny Low

Nick Xenophon and Connie Bonaros

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