

Nick Xenophon shock claims: Huge risks for Mr X from former partner Jenny Low’s allegations

STUNNING allegations about Nick Xenophon’s “manipulative and controlling behaviours” by his former long-term partner carry enormous risks for the powerful politician at a critical juncture in his 20-year career.

Adelaide's Lunchtime Newsbyte - 3.11.17

STUNNING allegations about Nick Xenophon’s “manipulative and controlling behaviours” by his former long-term partner carry enormous risks for the powerful politician at a critical juncture in his 20-year career.

When the world is talking about allegations of sexual misconduct by Hollywood film producer Harvey Weinstein, centred on predatory behaviour toward younger women, fledgling political candidate Jenny Low’s accusations are made in a febrile climate.

While extraordinary, they are not entirely unprecedented. Ominously for Mr Xenophon, former premier Mike Rann’s public support began deflating when former Parliament House barmaid Michelle Chantelois in 2009 alleged an affair. Mr Rann strenuously denied the claims, although conceding a “flirty” friendship, but public trust in the renowned master of political spin was fatally eroded.

The parallels, while not precise, are obvious. Mr Xenophon is rattled by Ms Low’s allegations, at both a personal and political level.

The breakup of a long-term relationship is never easy, particularly for those in the public eye. Ms Low’s central charge is cutting: “The reality is that a 48-year-old man in a position of power pursued a 23-year-old who was in a junior role.”

Advance SA party launch featuring Peter Humphries, Jenny Low and John Darley. Picture: Sarah Reed
Advance SA party launch featuring Peter Humphries, Jenny Low and John Darley. Picture: Sarah Reed

In a veiled reference to the Weinstein allegations, she declared: “As a society we are now becoming more open to talking about the damaging effect of how men in positions of power treat can treat young women in private. It is unacceptable.”

Ms Low alleges Mr Xenophon kept the relationship secret, a charge he rejects.

“I absolutely reject and am most distressed by any suggestion my relationship with Jenny was abusive or predatory in any way, manipulative or controlling. I deeply regret that we couldn’t make the relationship work,” Mr Xenophon said in a statement.

He also stresses the relationship began after she stopped working for his campaign.

His version is supported by long-term Xenophon staffer Connie Bonaros, who also worked as an adviser for about eight years for Ms Low’s new party leader and long-term boss, John Darley.

“I want people to know Jenny has made threats in the past about going public, presumably to damage Nick. I question the timing of today’s statement,” Ms Bonaros said.

The timing is interesting. Ms Low justified making the revelations, made at Friday morning’s Adelaide launch of the AdvanceSA party, by declaring they followed The Australian’s investigations into her personal life.

But The Australian revealed only that Ms Low and Mr Xenophon had been in a long-term relationship and that she would declare her political candidacy today. Ms Low sidestepped the question of why she had chosen to amplify this, at the party launch, by alleging “manipulative and controlling behaviours” by Mr Xenophon. Fellow candidate and former lawyer Peter Humphries stepped in, saying it was purely a coincidence of timing and might overshadow the party’s policy message.

Politically, AdvanceSA is seeking to erode the support of Mr Xenophon’s SA-Best while advancing its own policy case, centred on support for assisted dying. Whether intentionally or not, Ms Low’s allegations will strip some bark from Mr Xenophon’s popularity.

This comes at a critical juncture in his career, as he has quit the Senate to seek the state seat of Hartley, where he lives, at next March’s state election.

Victory is not guaranteed and a loss would decapitate SA-Best, leaving the party rudderless without its powerful figurehead and leader, regardless of how many seats it might win.

Mr Xenophon and his party have enjoyed strong opinion poll support, even leading as preferred premier in one. He has withstood many attacks in a lengthy political career. He will have to harness his considerable talents to shape public opinion to limit the damage from this one.

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