
Kiven Keoheuangpraseut jailed for trafficking cocaine and meth at Munno Para West

A roided out bodybuilder panicked and threw a cooler bag full of meth and cocaine into his neighbour’s yard after he heard about the Operation Ironside busts.

Breaking the ice: Meth use in SA

A body builder turned Discord drug dealer was exposed after his neighbour uncovered a cooler bag of his drugs in her yard.

Kiven Keoheuangpraseut, 22, went on to tell police a “tissue of lies” after panicking when he heard about the Operation Ironside busts and threw the drugs over the fence.

During sentencing, the District Court heard Keoheuangpraseut’s neighbour arrived home on June 7, 2021 and noticed a cooler bag along the side of her house.

When she opened the bag, she found a number of plastic containers and called the police.

The cooler bag contained six plastic tubs, containing a total of 82.6g of mixed methamphetamine, as well as 4.62g of cocaine, steroids and plastic resealable bags.

Keoheuangpraseut knocked on his neighbour’s door and said he had dropped a bag in their background and asked if he could retrieve it.

Kiven Keoheuangpraseut was jailed for trafficking cocaine and MDMA. Photo: Facebook
Kiven Keoheuangpraseut was jailed for trafficking cocaine and MDMA. Photo: Facebook

The neighbour told him he couldn’t come in and police had been called.

Police searched Keoheuangpraseut’s home and found more methamphetamine, MDMA, cocaine and vials of steroids.

Keoheuangpraseut, of Munno Para West, pleaded guilty to two counts of drug trafficking and one count of possessing prescription drugs.

“The defendant said that he would purchase the cocaine through a social media application called Discord,” Judge Paul Muscat said.

Originally designed for video game discussions, Discord’s anonymity has been exploited by drug dealers to sell cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, ecstasy, LSD and other substances.

The app is similar to Reddit and allows users of any age to create “servers”, where communities instantaneously message and share media about any topic.

Drugs available on an Adelaide-based server of messaging platform Discord. Picture: Supplied
Drugs available on an Adelaide-based server of messaging platform Discord. Picture: Supplied
Examples of ads for drugs in Adelaide on the encrypted app Discord. Picture: Supplied
Examples of ads for drugs in Adelaide on the encrypted app Discord. Picture: Supplied

Giving evidence, Keoheuangpraseut told the court he purchased cocaine on Discord from a user called ‘Whiz KD’, who he’d never met.

Keoheuangpraseut said ‘Whiz KD’ told him to hold the cooler bag of drugs for him – which he left next to his car at the gym – in return for cocaine at a cheaper price.

“The defendant said the following day he threw the cooler bag over his neighbour’s fence because he had become aware that police officers connected to Operation Ironside were conducting raids or ‘busting’ drug dealers,” Judge Muscat said.

Judge Muscat said he found Keoheuangpraseut’s evidence “utterly unconvincing, implausible” and a “tissue of lies”.

“I am satisfied the defendant was involved in the sale of methamphetamine and cocaine through the Discord platform, principally for profit,” he said.

The court heard Keoheuangpraseut, who was born in New Zealand, took up body building in his teenage years, where he was introduced to steroids.

Keoheuangpraseut then started using cocaine and MDMA whenever he went to nightclubs, with his use escalating to an 8-ball of cocaine a week.

The court Keoheuangpraseut had since stopped using drugs.

Judge Muscat said Keoheuangpraseut had failed to accept responsibility for his offending.

He sentenced him to three years and eight months jail, with a non-parole period of one year and eight months.

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