‘I am a coward’: Readers share their very relatable relationship confessions
Well, aren’t you a criminal lot? Readers fess up to their best kept relationship secrets to Frances Whiting and they are truly relatable.
Well, aren’t you a criminal lot? Readers fess up to their best kept relationship secrets to Frances Whiting and they are truly relatable.
Almost 40 years late, Baz Luhrmann can still recollect every little detail about the magic moment he met Catherine Martin for the very first time. This is their real-life love story.
Industry leader, space company chief, entrepreneur, innovator, pioneer, mum. Flavia Tata Nardini has it all … and she’s only getting started.
Global mining giant BHP is betting billions that SA’s stockpile of copper is about to create a massive new windfall. And the state’s bottom line is set to benefit as a result.
Recently appointed Adelaide University chancellor Cathy Branson opens up on sexism, a pioneering career, her new role and why everyone has the right to feel respected in the workplace.
Organisations such as universities and courts allow the potential for abuse or harassment because of their set-up, the new Adelaide Uni chancellor and former judge has warned.
Captain James Cook’s arrival in Australia in 1770 paved the way for dispossession and genocide, according to a new documentary which reframes his expedition through Aboriginal eyes.
If you know about Aussie towns, African countries, Elizabeth Taylor’s marital history, outer space and nursery rhymes we’ve got the quiz for you! See how many you can get right.
It started as just another mission, but by the time they returned to base the war was over. A true story of the SA bomber pilot, his tight-knit crew and one of the very last missions of World War II
The Japanese surrender in August, 1945 sparked celebrations in Australia, but Malcolm Williams was more worried about learning to walk again after copping a bullet to his leg in New Guinea
South Australian Living Artists respond to the pandemic crisis, social distancing and self-isolation as part of the statewide SALA Festival in venues and online during August.
This week in the quiz, come prepared with your knowledge of 70s Aussie TV hits, European rivers, US geography, the Italian language and units of measurement.
The impact of COVID-19 and social distancing inspired many works in this month’s South Australian Living Artists Festival and has even changed the shape of the event itself.
The use of 3-D printers is exploding all over the world as people create anything and everything from machine parts to elaborate edible designs.
Original URL: https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/sa-weekend/page/147