Meet the hero ambos who caught Modbury Covid case
The two paramedics who took the man at the centre of the Modbury cluster to hospital acted as though he had Covid – just in case, they say. The cluster rose by one today.
The two paramedics who took the man at the centre of the Modbury cluster to hospital acted as though he had Covid – just in case, they say. The cluster rose by one today.
A crowd of up to 15,000 fans can watch this weekend’s Showdown at Adelaide Oval, with tough rules in place. So how will it all work?
A man stabbed at Blair Athol on Friday night is in a serious but stable condition in hospital. Meanwhile, two suspects are being hunted by police following a robbery at Belair.
The son of an Adelaide pastor and a bullied ex-private school boy who lived together in an eastern-suburbs “party house” will not be jailed over a cocaine deal.
A teenager who was killed in a crash in the state’s South-East has been remembered as “a sweet and gorgeous boy with a heart of gold”.
Nurses who don’t want the Covid-19 vaccine are getting jabbed because they fear repercussions for their jobs, the nurses’ union says.
Housing trust tenants will be forced into caravan parks while the ceilings of their properties are replaced because they were built using incorrect materials and fixings.
Four people have now died on South Australian roads in the past four days, after a man was killed in a car rollover near Port Augusta on Saturday.
A 33-year-old man has died after his car rolled near Port Augusta on Saturday.
The Treasurer says he wants to know if a Labor election hopeful is campaigning on taxpayer time, but the ALP says his party needs to answer the same questions.
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