
SA global radio guru Phil Dowse talks success, launching careers and taking stations to No. 1

He’s been instrumental in launching the media careers of several high profile players and taken radio stations around the world to No. 1. SA’s Phil Dowse shares the secrets to his success.

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No one is more switched on than Phil Dowse when it comes to radio.

Winner of the rAWARDS (now ACRAs) best program director in Australia in 1991, he is also a two-time recipient of the Worldwide Radio Summit’s best radio consultant.

After back-to-back victories in 2011 and 2012, the powers that be at the Worldwide Radio Summit decided he wasn’t allowed to enter again – so that someone else could have a crack.

Dowse has always had his eyes on the prize. He has a reputation in radio circles around the globe for his unmatched ability to fast track any station to ratings success.

Phil Dowse in the Mix 102.3 studio at North Adelaide. Picture: Morgan Sette
Phil Dowse in the Mix 102.3 studio at North Adelaide. Picture: Morgan Sette

“I will take them to No. 1 very quickly, and I have the track record that proves it,” Dowse says.

“A station that is underperforming becomes the talk of the town and ultimately this drives ratings results.

“Get the strategy right, deliver first-in-market tactics that demand you listen, and the ratings will soar. It’s all about creating an irreplaceable emotional experience.’’

Phil Dowse in 1985, in the phone room at Channel 9's studio, collecting telephone pledges during the television broadcast of the Live-Aid concert from Wembley Stadium in London. Picture: Advertiser Library
Phil Dowse in 1985, in the phone room at Channel 9's studio, collecting telephone pledges during the television broadcast of the Live-Aid concert from Wembley Stadium in London. Picture: Advertiser Library
Phil Dowse in the 1980s. Picture: Advertiser Library
Phil Dowse in the 1980s. Picture: Advertiser Library

Dowse has been an international radio and media consultant for close to two decades.

He was one of the pioneers of Australia’s Southern Cross Austereo network, where he was group promotions director and program director at Adelaide’s SAFM during its groundbreaking era as the most influential FM station in the country.

20 reasons why SAFM rocked in the 1980s

After 17 years at Austereo in Australia, he was recruited to head up the company’s international consulting group ESPi in London, before founding his own company Phil Dowse Media in late 2002.

“I started with one client and then got 46 more in the following week as I negotiated a contract (over dinner) with the biggest radio group in Europe owned by Irish billionaire Denis O’Brien,” Dowse recalls.

Phil Dowse in 2002. Picture: Advertiser Library
Phil Dowse in 2002. Picture: Advertiser Library

It has been nothing less than an amazing journey, which has included Dowse writing a radio programming text book which led to him securing a contract with The Walt Disney Company in the US.

“Back then I was paid monthly via a Disney cheque, complete with Mickey Mouse ears,” Dowse says, adding: “I was so excited when the first payment arrived. Unfortunately, we accidentally threw the cheque out with the rubbish. That wasn’t ideal.”

Not long after Dowse was invited to present his vision of radio to The National Association of Broadcasters in the US.

“It was amazing. At the end of my 90-minute slot there was a line of hundreds of radio people wanting to connect and swap business cards,” he says.

“That was the tipping point.”

From that moment, Dowse never needed to chase business.

Today his influence can be heard globally.

Dowse is working in more than 20 countries with no less than 120 stations at any one time, including those belonging to the four biggest radio groups in the world.

“About 30 million people listen to one of the stations I am associated with every day,” he says.

He is the most in-demand radio consultant across the globe, as demonstrated by the fact that he was invited to join forces with the world’s largest media research company, Radio Intelligence.

More than 90 per cent of his clients are the No. 1 stations in their markets and he can also boast being an expert at driving breakfast shows to the top of the ratings globally.

“Jumping from 9th or 10th in a market to No. 1 within 18 months is an expectation not a dream,” Dowse says.

Phil Dowse, Steve Curtis and David Day at SAFM in 1997. Picture: Advertiser Library
Phil Dowse, Steve Curtis and David Day at SAFM in 1997. Picture: Advertiser Library

International clients include the biggest and most prestigious audio groups such as Magic Radio in the UK, and NRJ throughout Europe.

In Australia he is the long-time programming consultant for the Australian Radio Network, the top audio group in the country.

Dowse has forever changed the landscape of international radio with groundbreaking initiatives and his unique determination.

He shook the British airwaves, where a presenter’s role was limited to time calling and introducing and back announcing songs.

“When I started working in the UK, most English stations were superficial, functional and boring – they were reluctant to do anything really interesting, out of the box or risky – personal storytelling and showing vulnerability was rare,” Dowse says, adding: “That’s why I was working with all the major groups at one point.

“The exception to this was Christian O’Connell, who is now a global mega star in the world of radio.”

Christian O'Connell. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Christian O'Connell. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

Furthermore, Dowse introduced major initiatives to UK radio such as the use of lie detectors and campaigns like The Fugitive, which was developed during his SAFM days.

“My legacy was giving permission for presenters to tell stories on-air, amplifying content and creating great moments,” Dowse says.

“This is now pretty much the norm. It’s also what podcasting and pop-up digital stations are all about.

“The introduction of Story Arc radio, Disrupt Radio, Amplification and Hitchcock Moments are the legacy.”

Dowse also gave the US its first taste of reality radio, introducing concepts such as Two Strangers and a Wedding – which was a smash hit – to the Los Angeles, Chicago and New York markets.

Phil Dowse in 1998. Picture: Advertiser Library
Phil Dowse in 1998. Picture: Advertiser Library

“There are so many good ideas out there, but the success or failure is based on the execution, how you do it,” Dowse says.

“It’s important to be first, cash in and move on. I think it’s great if competitors copy ideas that we do because they won’t do them as well as us, and by that point we will be on to something else, something bigger.”

Being a global star maker is also on Dowse’s list of achievements and future goals.

He has already had a dramatic impact on many careers in Australia and across the globe, in both the radio and music industries.

As co-manager of Adelaide’s Orianthi, Dowse and his partner Sue Hill introduced her to names such as ZZ Top, Carlos Santana and Steve Vai. The rest is history.

Adelaide-born guitarist Orianthi. Picture: Supplied
Adelaide-born guitarist Orianthi. Picture: Supplied

Recently, one of his clients heard Tones and I and really wanted her to be part of Europe’s NRJ Music Awards.

Two weeks later, Dowse made it happen, giving the Australian singer-songwriter exposure to many millions of viewers.

“Having that influence to create opportunities for radio presenters, but also artists and bands is really important to me,” Dowse says.

“I often think back to the days when SAFM owned Adelaide, and it really did.

“Working with Vinnie, Grant and the Morning Zoo; being mates with David Day; planning the Sand Sculpture competition at Brighton Beach; selecting the music for Sky Show and really impacting on the local and national live music scene. They certainly were … good times … and great rock’n’roll.”

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