
Murray-Darling Basin Plan

Murray-Darling Basin Plan
CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA, NewsWire Photos. MARCH 19, 2024: Minister for Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek during Question Time at Parliament House in Canberra. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Martin Ollman

Plibersek backs down

Federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek has abandoned withholding funding to strongarm Victoria into backing buying 450GL of irrigator’s water.

Diminishing water levels on the Darling River below weir 32 near Menindee, Wednesday, February 13, 2019. The Darling River and the Menindee Lakes are under pressure due to low water flows as a result of the continuing drought affecting more than 98% of New South Wales. (AAP Image/Dean Lewins) NO ARCHIVING

Darling River inflows cut

The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder has diverted water destined for the Darling River onto a man-made floodplain.

Drip irrigation - hose watering systems. Stiff hose with holes.

Albanese pays premium for water

The Federal Government has paid a premium to buy irrigators’ water to boost the Murray Darling Basin’s environmental flows. See the details.

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA, NewsWire Photos. NOVEMBER 27, 2023: Senator David Pocock holds a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Martin Ollman

ACT Basin Plan failure

The ACT has failed to deliver a drop towards the Murray Darling Basin Plan, but has cut a $50m deal with the federal government to take water off Snowy Hydro.

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA, NewsWire Photos. NOVEMBER 27, 2023: The Albanese government has struck a deal with the Greens that could see more than 700 gigalitres of water used for farming each year allocated to the environment through Commonwealth buybacks across the Murray-Darling Basin. Federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek and Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young hold a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Martin Ollman

Labor, Greens basin deal savaged

Irrigation communities will be watching closely this week as the federal government attempts to ram its changes to the Murray Darling Basin Plan through parliament.

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Two school children running out the school gate at the end of the day.

Country schools face enrolment slide

Timber and irrigation towns have seen their school numbers slashed after falling victim to inner city voters’ demands. See the changes in enrolment numbers at every country school in Australia.

Murray Darling Basin the wekely times pic

Commission backs water buyouts

The federal Productivity Commission has said irrigator water buyouts are one of most “cost-effective” methods of recovering environmental water.

BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA - NewsWire Photos - AUGUST 17, 2023.Federal Minister for the Environment Tanya Plibersek speaks at the 49th ALP National Conference 2023 in Brisbane. Picture: Dan Peled / NCA NewsWire

Victoria rejects Basin deal

Victoria has refused to sign up to an Albanese government deal that would allow water buyouts towards 450 gigalitres for environment.

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