Scientists call for more water for Murray Darling Basin rivers
Wentworth Group scientists have called for an additional 726GL of water to be added to the Murray Darling Basin target, in addition to the Albanese Government’s 450GL promise.
Wentworth Group scientists have called for an additional 726GL of water to be added to the Murray Darling Basin target, in addition to the Albanese Government’s 450GL promise.
Federal water tender documents show irrigators’ offer to sell are locked in, as corporates are urged to offer parcels of 20GL or more.
The federal government will fall up to 315 gigalitres short of its Murray Darling Basin Plan target, according to an independent audit.
The Albanese Government will wade into southern Murray Darling Basin water markets on July 15 to buy 70 gigalitres.
Australia’s competition watchdog warns federal buybacks will force up Murray Darling Basin irrigators’ water bills.
The Albanese Government has committed $300m in support for Murray Darling Basin communities to offset water recovery impacts, but whether the amount is adequate or not remains a concern.
It took Tanya Plibersek’s water bureaucrats four months before finally admitting a bleak image in their $12 million Murray Darling Basin advertising campaign was a fake.
Federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek will have spent all $12m of her Murray-Darling Rivers’ advertising campaign by June 30.
The Albanese Government has used images of rivers in tropical Queensland and coastal NSW to promote its Murray Darling Basin plan efforts.
Federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek has abandoned withholding funding to strongarm Victoria into backing buying 450GL of irrigator’s water.
The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder has diverted water destined for the Darling River onto a man-made floodplain.
The federal government has not provided details about where it sourced images of dead fish and trees in its Murray Darling advertising campaign.
Federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek has paid a massive premium to buy water out of the Namoi Valley. See the details.
The Federal Government has paid a premium to buy irrigators’ water to boost the Murray Darling Basin’s environmental flows. See the details.
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