Water buyouts to begin
Federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek will wade into the water market to buy up to 450 gigalitres, bypassing socio-economic tests.
Federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek will wade into the water market to buy up to 450 gigalitres, bypassing socio-economic tests.
Irrigators are demanding to know what action Victorian Water Minister Harriet Shing will take to stop federal water buyouts.
Analysis of Victoria’s water theft laws has revealed a pattern of low penalties and continued illegal take. See the difference between fines and value of stolen water.
A draft Water Market Reform Bill paves the way for a new code of conduct and imposes hefty penalties for insider trading.
An untapped resource can reduce on-farm carbon emissions. See how you can make the changes.
New data shows one horticulture crop in the lower Murray has increased in size by 20 per cent in three years.
The Government is wrestling with how it will limit the impacts of Victoria’s 450,000 stock and domestic dams on downstream uses.
A massive freshwater sea in the nation’s far north shows the potential – and peril – of investing in new irrigation developments in Australia.
All coastal landholders will be able to build bigger dams to harvest more rainfall runoff to water stock or irrigate pastures.
NSW has ditched water savings ideas to boost the Murray Darling Basin, as they work to reconnect rivers and fishways.
GMW irrigators have knocked back goFARM’s bid to put groundwater into the channel system. See why, and what was planned.
NSW’s claim to half the Barmah choke’s capacity will massively increase Victorian irrigators’ risk of summer delivery shortfalls.
Riverina irrigators have won the right to fight their damages claim against the MDBA on a level playing field.
Scientists say more research is needed to understand safe levels of a toxin produced by blue-green algae in water and food supplies.
Original URL: https://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/news/water/page/22