VFF staff slashed: Livestock, grains and dairy advocacy cut
The VFF’s dairy, grains and livestock group leaders say they are struggling to advocate for farmers with no staff available.
The Victorian Farmers Federation leadership has slashed its staffing by more than half, cut resources to its major commodities of grains, livestock and dairy, and is about to redraft its constitution to further weaken their power.
VFF grains, dairy and livestock leaders say they have no staff and have been told ongoing membership and operational losses mean they must cut back on the number of issues they can cover.
Former VFF grains group president Ashley Fraser said: “Grains was told at our February council meeting by the CEO (Brendan Tatham), ‘You might have a dozen top issues, but pick your top two because that’s all we’ll be working on’, end of story”.
He said Mr Tatham also told a VFF audit and finance committee the federation’s constitution was being redrafted, but that president Emma Germano shut down discussion on the issue.
Current VFF grains group president Craig Henderson said there were only three policy and commodity staff “in the engine room of the VFF”.
Mr Henderson has written to Ms Germano asking “Why is there no dedicated staff member employed to support critical, grains specific advocacy on its behalf (and) address grower concerns”.
United Dairyfarmers of Victoria president Mark Billing said he had no commodity manager or policy staff, which made it challenging to deliver his responsibilities.
“The other two commodities (grains and livestock) are facing the same issue, with no commodity, let alone policy staff, when we’re trying to build a value proposition on being a member of the VFF,” Mr Billing said.
Both members and staff have told The Weekly Times resources had been cut back, from about 32 employees four years ago to 14 today, with just three staff left in the policy and commodity team, which once had 18.
Ms Germano declined to answer any questions on membership, commodity resourcing and redrafting the constitution, stating all issues had been addressed at last month’s AGM.
But The Weekly Times is aware that Ms Germano is taking a proposal to next Tuesday’s VFF board meeting to introduce a flat membership fee.
Mr Billing said that while the UDV wanted to get away from relying on dairy processors to collect the levy, “there hasn’t been much consultation on a flat fee”.
The VFF has been struggling financially, recording an operating loss for 2021-22 of $927,757 operating deficit in 2022 – three times its 2021 loss and losing 884 members.
One VFF director said a flat membership fee of $600-$700 would further erode the VFF’s finances, especially the UDV where members currently pay a levy on milk production.