Crackdown on bad public house tenants to fix anti-social scourge
Bad public housing tenants will be hit with a new anti-social behaviour crackdown as the state’s biggest landlord moves to clean up taxpayer-funded homes.
Bad public housing tenants will be hit with a new anti-social behaviour crackdown as the state’s biggest landlord moves to clean up taxpayer-funded homes.
A dramatic series of events unfolded at a service station in Adelaide’s west on Tuesday morning, with a driver reported for running over a man and a friend of the victim later arrested. Watch the footage.
The new Women’s and Children’s Hospital project finally has a new boss, with a stacked interstate resume, after the director quit last year.
A breakthrough contraceptive that also treats period pain, pelvic pain, fatigue and even headaches is seeking volunteers for a trial of the SA-made world-first medical device.
The state and federal governments have stepped in to provide a $40m funding boost for the beleaguered steel city.
The former operators of X Convenience are leaving the industry with a hefty fine and convictions for breaches of petrol price app laws.
Thomas Sewell – the neo-nazi leader who refused to sign bail papers, claiming he did not recognise the authority of SA courts – has backflipped and been released from custody.
Hundreds of passengers have been delayed after a passenger causes a security breach at Adelaide Airport.
The challenges faced by the electricity grid have been thrown into sharp relief as record solar output fails to offset coal outages and a lack of interconnection, driving spot prices higher.
Unley Rd is about to get slower – but the council claims the move will only add a few seconds to the daily commute.
Monarto Zoo’s newest elephant Permai meets long-time resident Burma the elephant, in stunning vision just released by the zoo.
Ten businesses – including a massive, high-end health club with its own creche and juice bar – will open at two new Prospect Rd retail developments.
An Adelaide private school besieged by multiple child abuse lawsuits has hit back at a $1.5m claim involving a serial pedophile, mounting a shock defence in court papers.
The owner of a toy poodle cruelly stolen from her property has spoken out with a direct message for the people who took her.
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