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Murrumbigee River flooding at Darlington Point 17.12. 2010

NSW water deal backfires

A deal brokered by the NSW Government with some of the Murray Darling Basin’s largest irrigation corporations has short-changed the environment of the nation’s most precious resource.

More seasonal workers from overseas will finally be allowed into Victoria, under a new scheme announced last week.

Seasonal worker costs unknown

Victoria has finally committed to bringing Pacific Island seasonal workers in the help with harvest — but the devil will be in the detail, farmers warn.

Testing times for shooters

Testing times for shooters

After almost three years of reviews, Victoria’s regulators are making the final push to impose shooter proficiency testing of gun owners.

EMBARGOED  **NO ONLINE UNTIL 6AM, JANUARY 21** A series of hilarious murals depicting politicians intimately sharing a lamb chop together will be unveiled around the country today by Meat and Livestock Association.  Dan and Gladys . Supplied image

Confronting lamb murals mock warring leaders

Australia’s political leaders are seen intimately sharing a lamb chop together in a hilarious series of murals by Meat and Livestock Australia. See all the murals here and find out where you can view them in real life.

06/01/2021 : Ashbern Farms' Stanthorpe farm manager Richard Ross , with his small backpacker picking team, on their farm in Stanthorpe, QLD. Richard has had to cope with just 50 per cent of its required workforce this harvest season due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. . Lyndon Mechielsen/ The Australian

Seasonal worker delay as tennis stars play

How can the Victorian Government pull out all the stops for a two-week sporting event, but can’t find a way to help a multi-billion industry vital to food security? asks Natalie Kotsios.

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