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Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Chief Executive Phillip Glyde appearing at a Senate Estimates hearing at Parliament House in Canberra. Picture Kym Smith

Basin authority boss’ big payday

Amid a drought that slashed irrigators’ incomes, the boss of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Phillip Glyde, had his salary and other remuneration rise to an eye-watering amount.

SEPTEMBER 1999 : Native trees planted under "Project Platypus" on roadside near Brady's in the upper Wimmera area of Victoria, 09/99.  Tree Planting / Environment

Weeded out by free workers

Shire councils are employing hundreds under the Working for Victoria Scheme, but their free services are undercutting existing rural businesses.

Kangaroos near Cooper Street on Tuesday, July 31, 2018, in Epping, Victoria, Australia. Picture: Hamish Blair

Time to tag roo boom

Fewer Victorian kangaroos would be left to rot if farmers were able to swap their authority to control wildlife permits for tags they could hand to professional harvesters.

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