Victoria commits to phase out gas stunning of pigs
The Allan Government’s promise to phase out gas stunning of pigs relies on reaching national agreement and viable alternatives.
The Allan Government’s promise to phase out gas stunning of pigs relies on reaching national agreement and viable alternatives.
Liberal MP James Newbury says “the Premier and new Treasurer don’t live in Melbourne – we are being run by out-of-towners”.
Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan has majorly reshuffled her cabinet following the resignation of Tim Pallas. See all of the changes.
The federal government has released a new national statement on animal welfare, four months after the last iteration was torn-up.
A Victorian Coalition Government would ban turbines within 2kms of homes and reinstate third-party appeal rights, if elected in 2026.
Consultancy firm RMCG is being paid by solar farm developers, while advising government on the impact of renewables on agriculture.
The Weekly Times can reveal the Allan Government has dismantled Regional Roads Victoria as it prepares to sell its road maintenance business.
Premier Jacinta Allan has revealed a new drought package for southwest Victoria after one of its driest years on record. Here’s the details.
Australia is about to sign a new trade deal with the United Arab Emirates that includes a new chapter on sustainability not seen before.
Questions have been raised about those who were absent at the Keep the Sheep and National Ag Rally — and how many people really attended.
Key definitions linked to deforestation have been given an Australian context, but some argue it could be seen as greenwashing.
The farmers are among 300 signatories to the open letter to the Prime Minister calling for beefed up protections and funding to protect and repair nature.
Victorian Agriculture Minister Ros Spence is believed to be battling biodiversity bureaucrats in a bid to extend wild dog controls for three more years.
Farmers in Western Victoria have told Agriculture Minister Ros Spence that despite some winter rain, their season remains on a knife’s-edge.
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