2022 Election: Helen Haines taking on two-pronged Coalition challenge in Indi
Independents are going to have a big say in this month’s election and one marginal seat in rural Victoria continues to lead the way for them.
Indi was conservative heartland with Labor only once holding the seat briefly in the late 1920s before its return to a traditional base.
It alternated between Country and Liberal MPs including former Collingwood footballer Mac Holten, who held the seat for the Country Party in a marathon stint between 1958 and 1977.
But then came 2013 when Indi was turned on its head with the election of independent Cathy McGowan, whose success helped by the Voices for Indi movement, meant Sophie Mirabella was the only sitting Liberal member to lose her seat.
McGowan retired after two terms and history was created when she was replaced by another independent, Helen Haines, in 2019 also with the backing of Voices for Indi.
Despite the Coalition going all out to win the seat back with two visits from Prime Minister Scott Morrison during the campaign, Dr Haines won, albeit with a reduced margin.
Ultra marginal for independent Helen Haines on 1.4 per cent.
Again a federation seat.
Its first MP Isaac Isaacs became Attorney-General and after leaving politics in 1906 was appointed the Chief Justice of the High Court and the first Australian born Governor-general.
John McEwen was an Indi MP before he later represented Murray during a time he briefly served as Prime Minister after the disappearance of Harold Holt.
Wodonga, Wangaratta, Benalla, Bright, Euroa, Mansfield, Myrtleford, Rutherglen Corryong and the ski fields of Falls Creek and Mt Hotham.
(In ballot order)
Angel Aleksov, Animal Justice
Helen Haines, independent
Lachlan O’Connell, Hinch Justice
Stephen Williams, United Australia
Beth Stevens, One Nation
Ben Gilbert, The Greens
Liz Fisher, The Nationals
Nadia David, Labor
Julian Fidge, Liberal Democrats
Ross Lyman, Liberal
Helen Haines replaced Cathy McGowan in 2019 and is seeking to emulate her independent predecessor by winning a second term.
Health and more specifically a new hospital for Albury-Wodonga which services a large part of the Indi electorate.
Every candidate agrees on the need, but the how is providing the difficult part.
The cross-border health service is run by the Victorian government with NSW providing funding, but if a new hospital servicing the twin cities and a wider catchment of 350,000 people is to be achieved the federal government will need to stump up cash also.
HELEN HAINES, independent
“This election is about having an independent champion for our region in Canberra who can fight for what’s important without getting distracted by party politics – a new hospital for our region, a strong integrity commission, better telecommunications, and better mental healthcare.”
“We need a local member focused on creating a strong local economy, because only with a strong economy can we deliver essential services. My plan for Indi will achieve this through infrastructure investment that boosts business confidence, attracts manufacturers, increases tourism, and supports our agricultural sector.”
Helen Haines $1.05
Ross Lyman $10
Liz Fisher $10
Nadia David $21
Ben Gilbert $51
Beth Stevens $91
Stephen Williams $101
Angel Aleksov $151
Julian Fidge $151
Lachlan O’Connell $151
Source: Sportsbet