George the Farmer co-creator Simone Kain to speak at Vogue Codes event
A life on the land and desire to teach children about it has lead to a successful career for Simone Kain. Now she wants to empower others to take a risk on their dreams.
Simone Kain’s background in farming has inspired a generation of children to understand where their food comes from and get them interested in working on the land.
Being the brains behind George the Farmer has led Ms Kain to a career in not only publishing picture books, but writing and performing songs, making paddock-to-plate videos and creating agriculture-related curriculum guides for schools.
“There’s so much to ag and that’s the purpose of George, to tell that whole story,” Ms Kain said.
“I wanted to inspire kids to learn about food and farming while also being educated about the plethora of careers that are available in the ag sector.”
The idea for the brand initially came as a way to keep her eldest son, also named George, entertained, but grew in to so much more.
“We thought it would just be one story, but the brand quickly took on a life of its own.
“Last week we released our tenth picture book,” she said.
Ms Kain, who has three sons and is married to a cattle farmer near Penola, South Australia, will be speaking at the Vogue Codes Country virtual event next Wednesday.
She is hoping by sharing her story she will be able to empower the audience to take a risk on their dreams.
“I want to inspire people to know that you don’t have to live in a city location to do what you want to do. You can be equally as successful to and innovate from in a regional area,” she said.