Remember Wobble Gobble poppers from 90s Australia?
Please tell me I’m not the only person who remembers them.
Perhaps strangest of all was a jelly-like drink in a juice box that went by the name of Wobble Gobble.
And until recently, I thought I might have imagined it.
What on earth is a Wobble Gobble popper?
A ‘25% fruit juice’ in a box with a drinkable, jelly texture I’d describe as half-set jelly, created by Golden Circle.
The mascot? A turkey with an attitude problem. The slogan? ‘What are you, chicken?’
Having conducted a small but very reliable survey (read: asked some friends if they remembered these poppers), it turns out only one recalls the cursed box jelly juices.
So, we threw it to Facebook to ask you, dear Taste community, if you recall Wobble Gobbles and that cheeky avian mascot.
While a lot of you had never heard of them, I was relieved to see some of you do (which means I didn’t dream them up. FEWF!)
Here’s what you said:
“YESSS! They were awesome!!!” – Cheree
“Bliss bombs.” – Kel
“Yes!! I thought I was the only one… my all-time favourite.” Chantel
“Yes. It was like a drinkable jelly.” – Alanna
“It was a jelly fruit drink, I do remember. Haha.” Lisa
“So good!” – Terri
Based on this feedback, do we think Wobble Gobbles are due a comeback? Not likely.
Sidenote: Have Iced VoVos really changed?
For now, there’s always jelly shots (like these adults-only Aperol spritz jelly shots).
Originally published as Remember Wobble Gobble poppers from 90s Australia?