
United Dairyfarmers of Victoria confirm Bernie Free as president

United Dairyfarmers of Victoria has confirmed their president and announced the three new regional representatives.

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Repairing roads, reducing rates and reviving the United Dairyfarmers of Victoria are the key objectives of the lobby group’s refreshed team.

Confirmed on Monday, southwest Victorian farmer Bernie Free is the UDV president after more than four months as the acting leader of the organisation.

The new UDV structure divides Victoria into three divisions, consolidating the previous 10 voting divisions statewide.

Jasmine Kneebone is the UDV’s new Gippsland representative, while Bridget Goulding and

Greg Brooks will represent northern Victoria on the policy council.

Robert Campbell and Harper Kilpatrick will represent southwest Victoria on the board.

Mr Free said repositioning the UDV as Victoria’s main dairy lobby group will be the objective of his time in office, following the breakaway of the new Dairy Farmers of Victoria group in September.

Former UDV president Mark Billing established the DFV following concerns over the lack of resources provided to the dairy group by the Victorian Farmers Federation.

“There’s no doubt it’s been a challenging period for the UDV but with new leadership, we want to get things back to basics,” Mr Free said.

“Country road funding is high on the priority list. Getting a better deal on council rates is another. They are two areas we will advocate to the state government and highlight the need for a better deal for farmers.”

South West Victorian dairy farmer Bernie Free. Picture: Karla Northcott
South West Victorian dairy farmer Bernie Free. Picture: Karla Northcott

Mrs Goulding said rough roads were a source of frustration for farmers across Victoria, not just dairy but across commodities.

“We took our case to VicRoads recently over getting $3500 worth of damage to our car on the Murray Valley Highway due to potholes,” she said.

“We weren’t successful and I know there would be many farmers in similar circumstances.

“Rates is another. At the end of the day, both issues come back to state government funding because the state contributes funds to councils.

“After the floods of last year, there’s such a big need to repair really dangerous roads right across Victoria, not just for dairy farmers and dairy tankers but for everyone.”

The Victorian Farmers Federation have confirmed 838 dairy businesses were registered as members, as of September 30.

Of that 838 business tally, the VFF-UDV has 1376 registered voting members.

Mr Billing said the new DFV group had managed to recruit more than 100 dairy farmers from across the state in the past few months of operations.

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