
Industrial action at Saputo’s Burnie plant passes two month mark

Union workers have hit Tasmania’s streets to promote a boycott of Saputo products as a dispute with the Canadian dairy giant dragas on.

Saputo Dairy workers and union supporters of the campaign outside a New Town Coles.

Union workers have hit Tasmania’s streets to promote a boycott of Saputo products as a dispute with the Canadian dairy giant drags on.

More than 20 maintenance staff at the Saputo’s Burnie plant walked off the job in April, protesting an “unfair” pay gap and a breakdown in wage negotiations.

The Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union claims the Tasmanian maintenance workers are being at least 20 per cent less than their Victorian counterparts, following the latter’s pay deal last year.

AMWU national secretary Steve Murphy said a recent protest outside Coles near Hobart was part of the union’s campaign to raise awareness of the industrial dispute.

The union has also called on Tasmanians to boycott Saputo products such as King Island Dairy, Mersey Valley, South Cape and Tasmanian Heritage.

“Saputo workers in Tasmania have a simple expectation — that their labour is equally valued and equally rewarded,” Mr Murphy said.

“Workers can put a figure on what that looks like.

“You can’t put a price on feeling respected for the work you do.

“What is needed now is the decision to pay all Saputo workers fairly.”

Saputo supply chain director Gerard Lourey said the processor remained “committed to progressing negotiations in good faith to reach an agreement for our valued maintenance workers.”

“Saputo is of the opinion that union statements contain mischaracterisations and incorrect information,” he said.

“Our bargaining team met with the unions and put forward a fair offer.

“Our intention is to resolve outstanding items with union representatives in a swift and amicable manner.”

Last year in Victoria, more than 1400 workers went on strike at plants operated by Fonterra, Lactalis, Peters and Saputo – the biggest disruption to the dairy supply chain since the 1980s.

The mass Victorian dispute was settled within weeks, as was a dairy trucker dispute that coincided with the factory industrial action.

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