
Farmgate forecast on the agenda at Australian Dairy Conference

Cattle have graced the beach at the Gold Coast with farmgate milk prices and carbon reduction policy up for discussion.

International Dairy Week director Declan Patten

Farmgate milk prices was one of the main talking points at the Australian Dairy Conference last week.

Rabobank dairy analyst Michael Harvey said farmgate step ups were a hot topic among the 650 delegates at the conference held on the Gold Coast in Queensland.

“I firmly believe there’ll be a further increase in the farmgate price this season – but the timing (of that increase) will be interesting,” Mr Harvey said.

“I can understand why farmgate prices haven’t rallied as much yet, it’s been very late in the season when we haven’t had as much milk to sell to spot markets.

“The product mix has played a bit of a role – it’s been fortunate for the Kiwi industry that the whole milk powder price (on the GDT) has performed as strongly as it has in recent months.”

International speakers including Danish dairy expert Henriette Guldager discussed the regulatory challenges and opportunities presented by carbon reduction policy.

The Arla Foods dairy farmer support officer told The Weekly Times while Danish and Australian dairy businesses varied in terms of geography, climate and political circumstances, there were shared changes when it came to carbon.

Macy, Thomas Brook, Lucy, Cynthia Brook and Natalie Geard on the beach at the Gold Coast as part of the Australian Dairy Conference. Picture: Jacklyn O'Brien.
Macy, Thomas Brook, Lucy, Cynthia Brook and Natalie Geard on the beach at the Gold Coast as part of the Australian Dairy Conference. Picture: Jacklyn O'Brien.

“Four years ago, Arla set a goal to reduce carbon emissions by 30 per cent by 2030 as well as achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050,” Ms Guldager said.

“Arla is a co-operative with 7000 farmers across Denmark, Sweden, Germany and UK, among other countries.

“We set the Farm Ahead toolbox which consists of three tools – one is the Farm Ahead check which is the life-cycle analysis of a milk production at farm level. It gives a farm-specific reading of carbon output, showing where sustainability gains can be made on the farm and how to go about making those changes.”

And Dairy Australia chairman Paul Roderick gave one of the keynote speeches, focusing on his farming career in southeast Queensland.

“Our investment in farm business management through initiatives such as Our Farm, Our Plan has supported more than 300 farmers with their business planning,” he said.

“We’re also supporting farmers in attracting and retaining people that are passionate

about a career in dairy.”

Meanwhile, athletic attendees hit the beach for a surfside fun run on Thursday morning.

More than 150 farmers and other delegates took part in the run with bovine mascots and post-run dairy refreshments capturing the attention of fellow beachgoers.

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