
Variable weather means harvest still going in Victoria

Variable weather is continuing to hold up harvest for some growers, making an already busy time “a bit more stressful for some”.

Fiona Marshall with The Weekly Times

Variable weather continues to hold up harvest for some growers.

But most hope to be finished by this week, or next, if they weren’t already done by Christmas Day.

Victorian Farmers Federation grains group president and Berriwillock farmer Craig Henderson said from all reports 95 per cent of harvest was complete in his area last week.

“In the northern Wimmera through the Mallee most people have had a bit above average yields and quality has been OK so far,” Mr Henderson said.

Harvest is still ongoing for many people as they battle variable weather. Picture: Zoe Phillips
Harvest is still ongoing for many people as they battle variable weather. Picture: Zoe Phillips

While there had been some frost damage to lentils, most had fared pretty well.

“Considering the forecast at the start of the year, good management practices meant growers reaped the rewards of what could have been a light year.”

Mr Henderson said it was a starkly different story to last year, when harvest was still going in mid January for most people.

According to the latest GrainCorp grain receivals report, Victorian harvest activity was mostly focused around the Wimmera, central region, southern Mallee and the North East and was expected to continue into January due to variable weather conditions.

So far this season 3,565,900 tonnes has been delivered to GrainCorp sites across Victoria, compared to 1,871,540 tonnes at the same time last year.

Sparke Agricultural director Matthew Sparke from Horsham said so far it was a “good harvest” considering there wasn’t a lot of spring rain.

Of his clients, Mr Sparke said about 20 per cent had finished harvest completely, but others had a “fair bit ahead of them”.

He said not a lot of wheat had been harvested yet and there was still some canola to come off too.

“High humidity isn’t helping. We’ve had days of 33C but it has been 60 per cent humidity so you can’t harvest in that.”

“Generally most people are faring well, but the stop-start nature due to the weather is making it a bit more stressful for some.”

Many growers are yet to finish harvesting wheat due to humid or cooler weather. Picture: Zoe Phillips
Many growers are yet to finish harvesting wheat due to humid or cooler weather. Picture: Zoe Phillips

While grain receivals in Queensland are almost complete, NSW growers are still making some deliveries in the north and south of the state, including in the Werris Creek, Boree Creek, Cunningar and Junee regions.

There has been 3,304,300 tonnes delivered to NSW GrainCorp sites, compared to 3,694,980 tonnes at the same time last year.

Total grain receivals into GrainCorp sites so far this season are at 7,283,100 tonnes.

Meanwhile, in South Australia growers delivered almost 110,000 tonnes to Viterra last week, taking total season deliveries above the 5 million tonne milestone.

Recent rain across South Australia was also holding up some growers with harvest and Viterra general manager operations Gavin Cavanagh said they were working with growers to determine how the recent weather has impacted grain quality.

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