

This was published 9 years ago

South China Sea dispute updates

By Chris Zappone

October 13, 2015: US preparing for "freedom of navigation" naval patrols in South China Sea

The patrols, which would come within 12 nautical miles of at least one of the islands, are intended to challenge China's efforts to claim large parts of the South China Sea through island building, marking the first such patrols for the US since 2012.

China's activity in the South China Sea has accelerated in recent years. Pictured is a Chinese outpost on Nanxun Reef in the Spratly Islands in 1988.

China's activity in the South China Sea has accelerated in recent years. Pictured is a Chinese outpost on Nanxun Reef in the Spratly Islands in 1988.Credit: Getty

The decision by the US comes after a period in which the White House and Pentagon were at odds over how to proceed on freedom of navigation missions in the South China Sea, the New York Times reports. Moreover, they appear to be designed to test China's resolve on the issue after a series of mixed signals from China's leadership.

September 15, 2015: China building third airstrip

China appears to be building a third airstrip in contested territory in the South China Sea, a US expert said on Monday, citing satellite photographs taken last week.

The photographs taken for Washington's Centre for Strategic and International Studies think tank on September 8 show construction on Mischief Reef, one of several artificial islands China has created in the Spratly archipelago.

August 31, 2015: Who is winning the South China Sea?

Fairfax Asia-Pacific editor John Garnaut writes that China has "won the first round of its contest for control" of the South China Sea.


"By 2017, military analysts expect China will have equipped its new sand islands with ports, barracks, battlements, artillery, airstrips and long-range radar systems," writes Garnaut.

This will enable China to "project military and paramilitary power into the furthest and most hotlycontested reaches of the South China Sea".

August 31, 2015: Clashes on the South China Sea

Ships being harassed, archival footage from 1988 and a more recent incident between a US Navy plane and the Chinese military on the reclaimed island – all of it is in the Fairfax video below.

August 12, 2015: China's military exercises

China's military has begun a series of live-fire drills involving more than 140,000 troops, Bloomberg reports. And this is just the beginning.

China plans 100 joint exercises this year as the country's largely untested military steps up efforts to sharpen combat readiness at a time of rising tensions over territorial disputes with Asian neighbours. President and commander-in-chief Xi Jinping has boosted military spending and pushed the PLA, the world's largest military with 2.3 million active members, to enhance its ability to fight and win battles.

August 5, 2015: ASEAN officials: no hope of a code of conduct on conflicts

Fairfax correspondent Lindsay Murdoch reports that ASEAN nations have grown pessimistic about the possibility of a formal treaty on how to resolve disputes in the South China Sea.

From Murdoch: Officials at the Kuala Lumpur talks say there is now no hope of participant nations reaching agreement on a code of conduct that would bind countries to a set of rules for solving the conflict.

China's rival claimants the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei have been pushing for a decade for a code of conduct.

August 4, 2015: China at ASEAN. Dispute talk off the agenda

China objects to territorial disputes being discussed at high-level Association of South-East Asian Nations security talks in Kuala Lumpur, reports Fairfax Media correspondent Lindsay Murdoch.

From the story: China's Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Liu Zhenmin said the dispute should not be discussed in Kuala Lumpur and Beijing would object if it is raised by US Secretary of State John Kerry.

August 4, 2015: More on patriotic cruises by China, Vietnam and Philippines

One shouldn't underestimate the appeal of being lulled to sleep by the sound of oil-exploration platforms at work, or snapping pictures of lonesome markers of sovereignty.

July 29, 2015: Cruise ships war

China plans to start a second cruise ship line to the Paracel Islands. Last month, Vietnam announced cruise ship tours around the Spratlys.The Paracels are also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan. A Chinese deployment of an oil rig last year was met with a swift rebuke in Vietnam, where anti-Chinese protests turned deadly.

July 23, 2015: Meanwhile, in the East China Sea

With so much attention on the South China Sea, it's easy to forget the East China Sea, home to the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. Despite tensions in recent years, hopes for a Japan-China rapprochement increased after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his Chinese counterpart President Xi Jinping met on the sidelines of the Asian-African Conference in Indonesia in April. There has even been talk about a Xi-Abe summit, which would mark a definite warming of ties between the two Asian nations.

Alas, a fresh point of contention has emerged in the East China Sea. Fairfax Media's Beijing-based correspondent Philip Wen reports that Japan has released documents "detailing Chinese oil and gas exploration platforms it said proved Beijing was accelerating plans to unilaterally exploit an oilfield that straddles disputed waters in the East China Sea".

The disclosure comes days after the passage of security bills which seek to extend Japan's military to allow it to defend other countries – a move Beijing portrays as Tokyo turning its back on its postwar pacifist constitution.

The controversial change to Japan's postwar pacifist constitution has relevance for Australia, which itself has deepening security ties with Japan.

The South China Sea's biggest dust-ups, a round-up

Planes downed, ships blocked, naval battles, and more, a list of incidents that have rattled the South China Sea region.

July 13, 2015: The Philippines case against China

The Philippines is trying to get an international court to rule whether China can claim sovereignty and resources rights to waters near Philippines' shores. The case is currently being heard at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.

The Telegraph of London quotes Ian Storey, of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore: "It's the first time any of the claimants have challenged China's claim in an international court,"

...If the court rules that the so-called nine-dash line is incompatible with [UN Convention on the Law of the Sea], "that represents a major legal and moral victory for the Philippines and a defeat for China," the Telegraph reports.

China refuses to participate in the case, so at some level, any resolution will may have more impact in the court of global opinion than in the actual boots on the ground on the disputed reefs. Nonetheless, over the longer term, that global opinion will matter too.

June 30, 2015: Philippine video

China accused the Philippines of "creating the illusion of the victim" after Manila aired a three-part documentary that lays out its claims to the Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands (see Fairfax video below). The documentary, produced by Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs, is called "Kalayaan" which means "freedom" in Tagalog.

June 29, 2015: Australia reiterates position on South China Sea

Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott on a visit to Singapore has stressed that, like Singapore, Australia takes no sides in the disputes through the South China Sea. However, Australia "deplores any unilateral alteration of the status quo". (read: island building, or sneaky island claims)

June 27, 2015: China's rig moves back towards Vietnam coast

China has moved an oil rig closer to Vietnam's coast in the disputed South China Sea, just weeks ahead of the first visit by a chief of Vietnam's Communist Party to Washington. A Chinese oil rig in Vietnam's waters was at the centre of a violent dispute between the two nations last year.

June 26, 2015: The TPP lives ... for now at least

There is a sense of relief in capitals around Asia on the news the proposed 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership is not dead in the US. This week the Senate voted to back trade authority for US President Barack Obama on the TPP. The power to offer the package as an up-or-down vote in Congress is seen as a paving the way for its eventual passage in the US, which would lead to closer economic ties around the Pacific Rim, in the face of a rising China. But the ambitious trade deal could still succumb to shifting presidential politics. The prospect of greater US integration with Asian economies would mean the US influence in the region is reinforced, rather than scaled down, something China's neighbours are anxious to see.

June 23, 2015: Underwater aspirations

Analysts consider the possibility that Beijing may try to create a deep-water sanctuary for its growing submarine fleet in the South China Sea. Such a strategy of hiding submarine traffic amid fortified islands and zones was first used by the Soviet Union, Reuters reports.

"Bernard D. Cole, a professor at the National War College and a retired US Navy captain, says the Soviets developed the submarine bastion strategy during the Cold War. A spy ring alerted the Soviets to the fact that the US was easily tracking their submarines in the open ocean. So the Soviets created heavily mined and fortified zones for their subs to operate as close to the US as possible. One was in the White Sea of north-west Russia and the other was in the Sea of Okhotsk, north of Japan, Cole said."

June 19, 2015: China's new model army

A piece from Fairfax stablemate the Australian Financial Review on China's novel propaganda effort around the South China Sea: close up images of the disputed reefs featuring Chinese models dressed as soldiers.

Fiery Cross reef

Fiery Cross reefCredit: Suppled

That's the headline. The fine print is that the announcement may be more about improving the optics before the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. Says Mira Rapp Hooper, of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, in Washington: "A planned end to construction work may have been timed with the aim of reducing the diplomatic temperature ahead of that June 22-24 meeting, but did not indicate any change in Chinese policy."

June 17, 2015: The Trans-Pacific Partnership

Hand-wringing from Washington to Tokyo after Democrats in Congress failed to approve legislation aimed at speeding passage of the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Singapore's Foreign Minister K. Shanmugam argues that the if the US fails to pass the TPP, it will lose a crucial lever of power in the region.

"The choice is a very stark one: Do you want to be part of the region, or do you want to be out of the region?"

He argued that "trade is strategy" and that without economic leverage, the United States was left with only military clout in Asia, "and that's not the lever you want to use."

June 15, 2015: US could disinvite China from naval exercises

The newly minted commander of the US Pacific Command Admiral Harry Harris said the US could disinvite China from the international naval exercises held biannually at Hawaii if the South China Sea reclamation doesn't end.

According to the Asahi Shimbun:

When asked if China's continued land reclamation on reefs in the disputed Spratly Islands, in spite of US repeated demands that it desist, would lead to a retraction of the invitation to RIMPAC, Admiral Harris said: "I don't want to tell you exactly what those conditions are, because China might come right up to those conditions." He only added, "Currently the invitation is extant. We'll see how it goes."

Interesting that Admiral Harris is unwilling to declare what the red line would be. He also pledged that should China announce an air defence identification zone (ADIZ) over the South China Sea, like it did over the East China Sea, the US would ignore it "completely".

June 12, 2015: Protest in Manila

Protesters in Manila against China reclamation on Philippines Independence Day.

Protesters in Manila against China reclamation on Philippines Independence Day.Credit: AP

Protesters carry placards as they march in a Philippines Independence Day rally toward the Chinese Consulate in the financial district of Makati city east of Manila, Philippines. The protesters condemned the recent reclamation of land by China in the disputed Spratlys group of islands on the South China Sea. Photo: Bullit Marquez

June 12, 2015: The video wars

The disputes in the region involve quite a bit of back-and-forth not just between rival claimants but between the governments and their population. Populist nationalism in China, for example, is often seen as a factor for how that country deals with its neighbours in the region. This week, the Philippines is airing a documentary which makes its case for the islands it claims. From Reuters:

The documentary titled "Karapatan sa Dagat", or maritime rights, will be aired on state-run television as the country observes Independence Day.

"Our objective is to inform our people," Charles Jose, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, said adding they hoped to "rally support of our people behind our Philippine government's policy and action".

Protesters display traditional hats with anti-China messages as a Chinese dragon dance is performed during a protest on Thursday at a park in Quezon city north-east of Manila.

Protesters display traditional hats with anti-China messages as a Chinese dragon dance is performed during a protest on Thursday at a park in Quezon city north-east of Manila.Credit: Bullit Marquez

June 10, 2015: Japan to send planes to Philippines

In a sign of closer ties between Japan and the Philippines, Tokyo plans to send P-3C patrol planes to the Philippines for a joint search and rescue exercise this month.

The planed two-day exercise starting June 24 near Manila comes on the heels of Philippine President Benigno Aquino's visit to Japan last week for talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Reuters reports.

June 5, 2015: Holiday cruise around Spratlys

Vietnam has flagged a new way to assert its claim on the Spratlys: it's offering holiday cruises around them, which include fishing, a visit to a lighthouse and dining on seafood.

As Reuters tells it: "The elaborately worded offer is for a six-day cruise that will visit two reefs and two islands in the Spratlys, or Truong Sa in Vietnamese, which the country has occupied for some time despite rival claims."

"It makes little attempt to disguise its political flavour, and comes as Vietnam pursues a bolder agenda in pushing its claims in the face of China's own growing assertiveness."

No word yet if travel insurance is included.

June 2, 2015: US, Vietnam draw closer

US defence secretary Ashton Carter has visited Hanoi, to sign a non-binding "joint vision statement" that seeks to boost defence trade and co-operation on maritime security between Vietnam and the US.

A little bit of colour from the visit:

"The US-Vietnam rapprochement, 20 years after the normalisation of relations, is occurring against the legacy of a long and bitter war. Carter alluded to the countries' 'shared past' as he returned to Vietnam a diary and belt taken from a dead Viet Cong guerrilla by an American in the early 1970s.

"One day earlier, it was difficult to escape the past. As the Pentagon chief visited Vietnam's naval headquarters in Haiphong, a giant portrait of the country's revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh shadowed his arrival. The city is best known in the US for President Richard Nixon's 1972 decision to order the mining of Haiphong's harbour in a controversial escalation of the conflict."

How can Vietnam, where the US fought a long and destructive war in the 1960s and 1970s, put the tumultuous past with Washington behind it? Since that time, Vietnam had a brief war with China. Today, according to Bloomberg, four in ten Vietnamese people are are no more than 24 years old and [US Vietnam] wartime "memories are overshadowed by contemporary worries about China".

June 1, 2015: Australia opposes China's island building

At the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore over the weekend, Australian Defence Minister Kevin Andrews issued the strongest signal yet that Australia is prepared to join the United States and other countries in pushing back against China's island-building and militarisation in the South China Sea, write Fairfax journalists Philip Wen and David Wroe.

Key line: "Mr Andrews issued a thinly veiled warning that other countries in the region will respond if Beijing persists, saying that actions in international security tend to produce 'a corresponding counter-reaction'."

May 29, 2015: An explainer A good background on the dispute by Fairfax, including before and after shots of the islands. Pictured below: Gaven Reef in the South China Sea. (Photos CSIS)

May 28, 2015: Weapons moved

Fairfax Media's John Garnaut reports that China has moved weaponry on to the artificial islands it is building in contested areas of the South China Sea, adding to the risks of a confrontation with the United States and its regional security partners, including Australia.

At the same time, US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter delivered the strongest US warning yet against China's moves while standing at the very symbolic Pearl Harbour military base. He demanded a halt to land reclamation in disputed waters, vowing that the US would remain Asia's leading power "for decades to come".

May 27, 2015: China's defence paper

Fairfax's Beijing correspondent Philip Wen reports Beijing has released a military strategy white paper that warns about "meddling" by other nations in the South China Sea.

The paper said China planned to "safeguard its maritime rights and interests" and the People's Liberation Army Navy would gradually expand its "offshore waters defence" to include "open seas protection".

The timing of its release has raised eyebrows, but Beijing denied it was issued in response to the recent incident between the US plane and China's military in the South China Sea.

May 25, 2015: War warning from China-owned newspaper

A Chinese state-owned newspaper said on Monday that "war is inevitable" between China and the United States over the South China Sea unless Washington stopped demanding Beijing halt the building of artificial islands in the disputed waterway. The Global Times, an influential nationalist tabloid owned by the ruling Communist Party's official newspaper the People's Daily, said in an editorial that China was determined to finish its construction work, calling it the country's "most important bottom line".

May 25, 2015: South China Sea "more challenging"

Australian Defence Minister warns of a "more challenging" security environment as tensions in the South China Sea rise. In this piece by Fairfax's Daniel Flitton from late last week, Defence Minister Kevin Andrews notes that Australia opposes any "coercive or unilateral actions" in the South China or East China seas.

Australia has growing security ties with Japan and the US. At the same time, there is also strong bipartisan support for maintaining productive and friendly ties with China.

"We'd like to be best friends with all our neighbours in the region, including China and Japan, because if we can achieve that, we'll live in a peaceful region and we'll all thrive," Mr Andrews said.

May 22, 2015: "This is Chinese navy. You are approaching our military alert zone. Leave immediately"

Here is a vivid account of a US aircraft patrol near disputed islands in the South China Sea. The video shows China building on the islands that are being reclaimed from the sea and has audio of radio messages broadcast from the Chinese military to the US aircraft passing through. It brings to life the extraordinary efforts by China to bolster its claim to the disputed islands.

May 21, 2015: US-Asian military drills

The US has co-ordinated amphibious landing drills in Hawaii along with Asian allies. With the South China Sea disputes growing, the exercises send a message. In fact, the Reuters story mentions a US view of "containing China" which is interesting as typically US officials are at pains to say they don't intend to "contain" China.

"A senior US official told Reuters the-first-of-its-kind gathering also signifies a nudge towards containing China, as Beijing grows increasingly assertive in pushing its territorial claims in the South China Sea."

The official was unnamed.

May 20, 2015: We join this story already in progress ...

If you're new to the South China Sea issue, this article serves as a handy little primer, focusing on the history of Subic Bay in the Philippines. After the Vietnam war ended, the US Navy:

"stayed active here to counter the naval base the Soviets occupied at Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam that the Americans had left behind. But in 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, and in 1992, amid long-festering feelings that Philippine sovereignty was compromised by the presence of US bases, the Americans were told to leave. The eruption of nearby Mount Pinatubo in June 1991 helped convince Washington that the bases weren't worth making an issue of ...

"Three short years later, the Chinese began building "fishermen's shelters" on Mischief Reef, off the Philippine coast, and the territorial disputes over the South China Sea began to heat up."

Since the 1990s, China's economy has grown to the be the second-largest in the world. Beijing's economic power has been accompanied by a growing military capability and a desire to extend its claim in the South China Sea to the limits of the so-called Nine Dash Line, its controversial claim on substantially all of the South China Sea.

Here is a Google Map of the area.

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